Execution Force Zeta

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Members of Execution Force Zeta

Vindicare Assassin

Vindicare Assassin

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Callidus Assassin

Callidus Assassin

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Adamus Assassin

Adamus Assassin

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Vanus Info-Cytes

Vanus Info-Cytes

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Spacecraft: Gun-Cutter

Info: Execution Force is composed of Four Assassins each with their perspective talents to make them a deadly Execution Force, the marksmanship of the Vidicare Assassin, to the deceptive skills of the Callidus Assassin, to the skillful swordsmanship of the Adamus Assassin, and to the skillful hacker and calculation of the Vanus Info-Cytes. These four operatives were handpicked by The Empress of Mankind, she knew there will be corrupt governors in different planets in the galaxy and so she handpicked her very own kill them each of them are newly trained assassins from each of their temples and she even personally teach them on how to improved their skills to be an effective Execution Force for future assassinations missions as well as gifted her Execution Force with their very own Gun-Cutter as their personal mobile base of their operations. The Gun-Cutter was named 'Imperatrix Cultri' which means 'The Empress's Knives' as the Gun-Cutter has everything for her Execution Force needs for their assassination missions that she will give them, the Gun-Cutter has an advanced Warp Engine for fast travels in the Warp with an advanced Void Shield that can protect them from the Warp as well as an advanced cloaking system the ship to be undetectable to any Warp Entities or from any detection devices and radar, Ten Quarters with a meeting room and a Manufactorum. The Crew namely: The Pilot & Co-Pilot are handpicked by the Empress herself, she picked those that are skillful and talented in piloting the ship, for ship maintenance Two highly skilled Engineseers and Tech-Priest that are from the Forge World of Mars, Two highly trained Hospitaller for medication of injuries & Two Highly trained Gunners.

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