Disenchanted Discord Ch.4-The Mermaid & Her Umbrella Loverrr..Respond.Recommend!

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Title: Disenchanted Discord 

Ch.4-The Mermaid & Her Umbrella  Lover -

Art/: Creativity of a visual kind. 

Entitlement  {Corruption lends to Sin }   

She peered out the window watching them disappearing into the shrouded fog. Her dopey assistant  and those two vagrants who caused her to be quite bewildered. Something was off putting about the lone boy and girl.. Charu called herself “Human” what a quire  and utter wrongness. “Human” was merely a myth in these lands and yet that’s what she defined herself as. It wasn’t justified it was nonexistent. Loki the boy was he “human“, or something more serious..? She blew her special whistle and sent the familiar’s on them. 

“I must keep my eyes on them.” She gravely muttered to herself sulkily. 

We walked in utter silence aside from the happy whistling of Euria as he spun his umbrella in overlaying circles. Whenever I glanced over at Loki he gave off malicious glares and kept kicking up dust and dirt. Scoffing angrily annoyed and irritated. I playfully circled him and poked his back only to sway away when he’d swiftly turn around frustrated and confused. 

The wind bitterly whispered harsh and howled and the sky above rumbled and roared going into an array of gray, and dark blue hues the clouds overhead in turn become ashen and bubbled up electric currents. That’s when heavy rain pelted us bursting and wavering. Euria become more alive and awake jumping up in happiness’s bliss joyously dancing. Loki walked up towards the twisted trees looking desperately for shade that was to no void. It was humorous to me for they are truly opposites. 

“The wondrous sky has made an exchange to this heavenly earth and has blessed us with its tears.”  He gleamed.

Euria danced happily grabbing my arms quickly till I was spinning with him. It felt  like I’m in crashing waves slamming down drowning. Loki makes a sour expression of disproval drying himself off. But the tree pours more rain on him. Euria and I burst out completely delirious. 

“STOP IT, just tell me where we are going and I’ll meet you two there.” He roars under the thunder that blares in the background. 

Euria squints singsongs the locating in a strange way with fluent motions of his umbrella spinning around. Clearly understood Loki nods and walks off an a angry stride. All the while I am lost and completely oblivious. 

“Well I suppose dearie, its just you and me.”  I shyly utter slyly charming. 

The sky quiets itself gently blowing warm wind our way  and we dry almost instantly. 

“So what’s your family like.?” I enquire good-naturedly. 

I keep in step with him. But he seems to be gliding maneuvering  his umbrella all the while. 

“I’ve got a big family we live everywhere. We are natural born travelers constantly immigrating  from place to place.” He gestures beaming. 

“Oh that’s pretty amazing. My family never hardly traveled, My father used to say that he didn’t need to go anywhere because he could go to Tokyo and back. In twenty minutes because his book was his passport, and ticket to the universe.” I reply.

 Remembering his final words and his love of books. It happens I feel a hollow spot in my heart with the realization of the incident of how I come to be here. I shiver so violently that I’ve got to stop. Quivering in a quicken breathe I suffocate chocking on air crumbling to the ground. 

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