Chapter 40: Li Xiangyi weds Qiao Wanmian

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The sudden darkening of the sky cast an eerie shadow over the gathering, whispers of foreboding spreading among the guests like wildfire. Wan Mian's heart sank as she looked up, sensing the weight of impending doom.

Then, Shan Gudao emerged with his army of zombies, his laughter echoing ominously through the air. "Your end has come," he declared with malice, his eyes gleaming with sinister intent.

Li Xiangyi's surprise was palpable as he recognized his former senior. "Shan Gudao?" he exclaimed, a mix of relief and confusion coloring his voice. "I thought you were dead."

But Shan Gudao's laughter was cold and mocking. "Alive and well, my dear Li Xiangyi," he sneered. "And here to finish what I started."

Li Xiangyi's heart sank as Shan Gudao revealed his treacherous intentions. "You poisoned me?" he whispered, betrayal etched in his features.

The revelation sent shockwaves through the crowd, the realization of Shan Gudao's deceit settling like a heavy cloud over their heads. Fang Duobing's eyes narrowed as he recognized the enemy before them. "These are the same creatures we encountered in Shishou village," he observed grimly, his voice tense with determination.

"They fear fire!" Fang Duobing's urgent cry pierced through the chaos, rallying everyone to unleash their fiery skills against the encroaching horde. As flames danced around them, illuminating the battlefield, Li Xiangyi's mind was suddenly flooded with memories of past encounters with these creatures. Overwhelmed by the sudden onslaught of recollection, he sank to his knees, clutching his head in agony.

In the midst of the chaos, Fang Duobing sprang into action, shielding Li Xiangyi from harm. "Are you alright?" he called out, concern etched in his voice.

Li Xiangyi's gaze met Fang Duobing's, and in that moment, the missing pieces of his memories began to slot into place. He remembered their shared moments, their partnership in solving cases, and Fang Duobing's unwavering dedication to protecting him.

With clarity returning, Li Xiangyi recalled the truth—that it was Fang Duobing who had penned the heartfelt letters, not Wan Mian. The sword gifted by Wan Mian had been found in Fang Duobing's possession, a revelation that now made sense. Rising to his feet, fueled by newfound resolve, Li Xiangyi locked eyes with Shan Gudao, determination burning in his gaze. It was time to confront the leader of this malevolent force head-on.

"They're multiplying!" one of the seniors exclaimed, panic creeping into his voice. "What's our next move?"

Fang Duobing's mind raced as he recalled the creatures they had encountered in Shishou village. "We have to locate the source," he muttered, scanning the area for any sign of the elusive mother bug.

"The mother bug must be controlling them," Fang Duobing thought, his determination growing with each passing moment. He searched every corner of Sigu Sect, his focus unwavering. Then, a realization dawned on him—Xiao Ji was missing.

Racing to Xiao Ji's chamber, Fang Duobing found him deep in meditation, clutching onto a mysterious box. With swift action, Fang Duobing seized the box and confined Xiao Ji to his chamber.

Emerging from the chamber, Fang Duobing was met with a scene of chaos. Shan Gudao lay battered on the ground, surrounded by the elders, while the zombies were securely locked away.

Madam Qin's eyes widened with realization as she identified the creature. "It's a mother bug!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency. Fang Duobing wasted no time and swiftly collected a drop of blood from Shan Gudao's finger, hoping it would bring an end to the creature's control.

But to their dismay, the mother bug remained unaffected. "Why isn't it working?" Fang Duobing questioned, frustration creeping into his voice as they watched the bug continue its sinister existence.

Madam Qin stepped forward, her expression grave. With a steady hand, she made a small incision on Li Xiangyi's finger, allowing a drop of blood to fall onto the mother bug. However, their hopes were shattered when the bug remained unharmed.

"You are descendet of Nanyin royalty," Madam Qin declared, her voice tinged with concern. "Your blood should have destroyed the bug. But it seems your blood has been tainted, losing its power. Only the true heir of the Nanyin sect can kill this creature."

"I am the descendant of Nanyin royalty!" Shan Gudao roared defiantly, his voice echoing across the courtyard. "The heavens favor me, which is why the mother bug remains alive!"

Madam Qin's expression remained resolute as she shook her head. "You are not the true descendant," she stated firmly, her tone unwavering. Shan Gudao's facade crumbled, and he sank to his knees in defeat and frustration, the truth of his deception weighing heavily upon him.

To be continued..

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