Jealousy, Jealousy~ (Jinx x Maxine)

15 3 23

requested by Silver_Star-
again lol
thanks for the ideas bestie <3
this is set a week or two after the whole Jinx, Max, and Ekko incident.
(all the names I got off Google, like Zapper, and Flame Chomper. Google says Zapper is Jinx's pistol, and Flame Chomper is apparently her name for her explosive grenades?)

(then I had to look up to see what Chuck's actual name was or whatever...that was boring, he totally seems like a chuck! not a Thieram or whatever-)
Jinx's POV (wow, I'm actually starting the oneshot from the love interests POV for once? yup :3):

It was about 8 pm, according to the clock down here in this damned hellhole, and I was just skipping around the Undercity, trying to find my amazing girlfriend!

because they decided to run off after some kid just because he looked at her weird due to her metal arm-

eh, anyways...

I decided to squeeze past some tall dude into The Last Drop, and I hop up onto my usual stool at the counter. Maxy always ends up here one way or another, so maybe I'll see 'em!

"Heya Chuck! Tell me - have ya seen Maxy 'round yet?" I say, a grin forming on my face as I see 'Chuck' sigh softly, setting a cup he was cleaning down.

"unfortunately, no. last I saw her was yesterday with you." he responds after a short moment, pouring some random alcohol into the cup he just cleaned and handing it to a dude walking towards the bar.

I groan, letting my forehead fall onto the counter. it's been two hours, I miss my Maxy...

~timeskip brought to you by Jinx and Max going on a killing spree in Pitlover :3~

four hours. it's been four fuckin' hours seen I saw Max! what is she doing?!-

I grumble to myself, playing with the straw in my drink - just some juice, unfortunately - and glaring at the cup. I eventually hear the doors to The Last Drop open, and I glance towards the door. and I immediately catch a glimpse of black hair with hot pink and cyan highlights.

A wide grin spreads across my face, and I hop off my stool, raising a hand to wave towards Max - only to immediately frown and narrow my eyes when I see some dude standing beside my Max, and trying to touch her arm and shoulder. and where's her usual mask? huh, she must'a lost it again..

I can immediately see the annoyance on their face, the way they glare at the man, trying to push him away. I'm half surprised she hasn't just shot him yet.

with a grumble, I walk over towards the two. once in range, I quickly hold Max's metal hand, narrowing my eyes at the man. "Hey Maxy. who's your friend?"

I say, forcing a small annoyed smile as I make eye contact with this dude's shit-brown eyes. he's not even good looking... "Hi hi. this is 'pow pow.'" I hear Max say, squeezing my hand. Pow pow is the word we decided to use as a code word for if one of us needs help with something. we got the idea from one'a my guns.

I scowl at the dude, who towers over both me and Max. "come on darling, just one night? I promise ya won't regret it~" I hear the man say, and I swear I already had an entire plan of how to kill him and where to hide his body.

"she'll probably leave you, like everyone else."

"she doesn't care about you anymore!"

I hear Mylo begin to annoy me, and I harshly whisper to myself. "shut up."

when I look back up, I expect to see Max telling the dude off. Yet, I see him forcefully holding her chin, holding his face way to close to my girlfriend.

Maxine's POV:

I narrow my eyes at the man as soon as he grabs my grin, but before I could do anything, I notice Jinx lift her free arm, and with a simple gunshot, the dude is soon lying dead on the bar's floor. I stare at the body for a moment, before breaking into a small fit of laughter when I see him dead.

"fuckin' finally..." I say through my laughter. that dude was getting on my nerves-

I see Jinx put 'Zapper' away, and I soon feel her wrap her arms around my waist. with a small chuckle, I kiss her forehead. yet I soon hear 'Chuck' - or Thieram, as he insists his actual name is - yell over towards us.

"let's get outta here toots." I whisper to Jinx, before quickly running out of The Last Drop, dragging Jinx with me, laughing and giggling the entire way as we hear 'Chuck' yell after us.

~small timeskip brought to you by my extreme want for having a tattoo like Jinx's on my arm~

Me and Jinx eventually find ourselves in her hideout, Jinx silently tinkering on one of her 'Flame Chompers' while I lounge on her couch beside the makeshift Mylo. I hum, poking the side of the dummy in the head, before groaning and twisting around to sit upside down on the couch.

"toots, I'm bored!" I announce, pouting over at Jinx as I see a smile grow on her face, a small chuckle escaping her lips. "well c'mere then." I hear her say, pushing her googles off her eyes and resting them on her forehead, looking at me with a grin.

I quickly roll off the couch, scrambling to my feet and walking over. I see my - definitely shorter girlfriend - open her arms. and with a wide grin, I climb onto her lap, wrapping my legs and arms around her to stay on without falling off.

this is a daily routine, Jinx tinkering with me on her lap. says it "helps her focus."

I just like the affection and being so close to Jinx to be honest-

I hear Jinx giggle softly as I squirm into a comfortable position, and eventually, Jinx goes right back to tinkering on the 'Flame Chomper' while I silently cling to her. I can feel myself start to doze off slowly, and eventually, everything goes black.


might be 4 days late, but here ya go :3
it's literally 7:20 am for me, I have NOT slept yet
and I just randomly remembered about this and got motivation-
haha, I don't understand my motivation schedules-

anygays, hope ya enjoyed this Sil!! :D
(yes, I gave you a nickname. Sil, shory for Silver- is that okay??-)

make sure eat and hydrate yourself
or I will come to your house
and force feed you- 🥰

(not proofread.)

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