10) Gale's shirt

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I was back again.
Back in the house that now claimed me.
In the house whose occupants all loathed me and wanted to kick me out if possible.

I went straight for my bedroom before Mia or her mom could spot me. It was the only place that could hide me from the claws of the evil family residing in the house. The servants as well. They would obviously side with the mom-daughter duo if they were to choose.

The second I turned after locking the door, my eyes froze as they stared at the horrendous mess that had been awaiting me. Nothing was in place, from the once neat bed to the very curtains gracing the large window.
They had ripped them to shreds. How stupid! I didn't own the damned bed or the curtains.

The only things that I could comfortably claim as mine were the clothes littering the floor, which were also cut into pieces.

I placed a hand on my mouth, suppressing the laughter about to erupt. Did they really think that doing such childish attacks would hurt me? If at all, they had just hyped my dark side. Now I wanted to make their life miserable from the shadows.

"Mia, oh Mia. I'm coming for you Cupcake," I swore grinning under my palm.


I walked into the dining room, my feet bare, and my hands shielded by the long sleeves that hung from my fingers.
Everyone ceased whatever they were doing and shot their shocked gazes at me, even the servants who had been serving the food.

The expressions on their faces were satisfying. The shock dimming their light made my soul feel elated.

Gale wanted to say something, and so did the two women, but none could find the right words just yet. And before they could even start questioning my dress choice, I helped myself to one of the many chairs around the table.

"Looks delicious," I complimented staring greedily at the mouthwatering delicacies presented by the servants.
The variety of sauces was eye-pleasing, I just prayed they tasted as good as they looked.

"Maya?" Gale finally spoke. His voice sounded unpleased and annoyed. Typical Gale.

"Yes?" I beamed a smile in his direction, leaning closer to the table to stare wide-eyed at him just to make him uncomfortable.
It worked.
I could tell when he clenched his jaw.

"What are you wearing?" Gale questioned, his voice trailing off to a whisper.
The hard glare he was sending my way killed at least half of the courage in me, but I held my end pretty well.
Gawd, Gale was scary.

"Oh, this?" I plucked the collar and looked down at the white shirt I was wearing...his shirt. Or at least, used to be.

After Mia and her mom destroyed my entire closet, I had asked one of the servants for Gale's old clothes. They had gladly obliged after I had shown them what used to be in my closet.

"I figured since you weren't using it, why waste it?"

"What a rude little brat!" Lori shot uninvited to the conversation.

But I didn't show my anger right away, just put on a fake yet convincing smile as our eyes met. "You should know how unfashionable my clothes were, right, Lori?"

"What do you mean by-"

"Gale, why does Maya get to do whatever she wants?" Mia interrupted her mom, acting all pouty and innocent.
Little slut.

"Maya?" Gale called in all seriousness. The cruel flames bringing in those eyes almost scorched my soul. He seemed about ready to shoot from across the table grab me by my throat and snap it like a twig.
"Why are you wearing my shirt?"

"I don't see anything wrong with recycling an old shirt. Weren't you going to give them away anyway? Just think of it as charity." I added a smile at the end, a bright contrast to what I was feeling on the inside.

"Gale?!" Mia cried hysterically.

"Shut up!" He snapped, sending the hot scowl her way.

Lori quickly placed a hand on Mia's and gave it a little squeeze shaking her head.
That seemed to calm her, but the murderous glare she had glued on me didn't go away.
I planned to infuriate her.
Picking Gale's shirt had been the best plan. Of course, I had other options like Mia and Lori's old clothes, but that would not have been as much fun as what I had chosen.

"And you!" His attention was now on me. "From tonight, you will be having your dinner in the kitchen."

I once again, flashed him a warm smile.
"As you say, Boss."
With that, I rose from the chair gracefully and turned to leave.

"Maya!" Gale suddenly barked, making my knees numb in an instant.

I turned to face him, my courage faltering before I could even meet his stern gaze.
And when I did, my heart almost exploded from how fast it was pounding.

"Go wait for me in my room, now!"

"But Gale...!" Mia tried protesting, voicing my disbelief and concern.

I frowned looking down at him.
Why would I wait for a man while wearing his shirt? On top of that, he was asking me to wait for him in the closed space of his bedroom.
Hell no!

"I decline!" I blurted looking to the side for a second and then back at him.

"That was not a request. Don't forget your place in this house."

"I know. But I still decline such an order. Say what you want to say to me right here."

The creases between his brows deepened, unconsciously showing just how crossed he was.

Gale looked away, pushing forward his platter. Without saying another word, he slowly pushed his chair backward and rose.

"That will make six strikes," Gale said quietly, his eyes boring through me to my soul, intending to wound it.

Six strikes. He, he wanted to...
I backed unconsciously, terror washing down my entire body in one huge wave.

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