8) Hello handsome

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The walls became my support as I staggered out of Gale's bedroom, all wet, weak, and in tears. The pain and humiliation burning in my chest would stay for a long time. Maybe until the day I would avenge myself.

"You little snake!" A sudden hiss hit me from in front.

I raised my head, fighting against the gravity of emotions that made it feel like I was carrying an anchor on my neck.
Standing outside the third door(my bedroom), was Mia. She now wore a pink silk tank top with matching sexy shorts which left half of her ass hanging out in the air.
Her smooth legs looked fabulous, maybe enough to charm any sane man.

Normally, I would have yelled a curse at her. But, not right then.
I was weak from lack of dinner and from the fight I had just had with Gale.
I was in no mood for a catfight.

I ignored her and continued dragging myself closer. As I reached out my hand to grip the doorknob, she quickly slapped it down.
"I'm talking to you!" Mia hissed shoving me backward with one hand.

"Get away." It was a fragile mumble. Barely audible to my own ears.

"What? Do you want to go inside?" She ridiculed blocking the door. "Get on the floor and crawl your way in. That's the only wa-"

I experienced an outburst of adrenaline, prompting me to grab Mia by her top and yank her away from the door till she tumbled past me. She must have lost her balance or simply pretended as usual, but the thud from her fall and the yelp of pain filled the air.

"You slut!" I heard her yell, but I was already walking into my room.
I had to get the wet clothes off of me and then soak my cold body in a tub of warm water.
I had to wash away all the evidence left behind by Gale's touches all over my body.

As I stumbled past the bed, I caught sight of the small square box sitting on it, reminding me of my best friend. Also, I had to work on it before the following day lest Gale punishes me in his cruel ways.


"She's the leech Mia talked about," a female's voice whispered from behind me.

"Shesh! She dresses so plainly. Her hair looks rough and unmaintained," another gossiped.

"Gawd! I want to slap her so badly. It's a pity that the school doesn't allow fights," said the first.

Hearing them gossip about me when they were seated right behind me made me so furious. But there was nothing I could do to them. Like Mia, ninety percent of the students in the school and the class were from wealthy and prominent families. They had a solid background.
Not that I didn't have one. It was just not as strong as Mia's who was now my nemesis.

I had to keep calm and remain collected for the college was quite strict with troublemakers. And if I got punished by the school, Gale would not let me have it easier than it was.

The lecture hall would host our class for the first week to give us a sense of freedom and familiarize ourselves with each other. While it was proving to be beneficial for the other students, it was hell for me.

Well, until a stranger slid on the seat next to me. He was quiet, and reserved, wore a poker face, and didn't say a word to me. That was the greatest feeling to experience after the vicious gossip Mia had fabricated in a single day.

Throughout the lecture, I kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye, observing him for any friendly signals.
But all I could see was the dense focus fogging his face.

From my side view, I studied his features; short golden hair lying freely on the right side of his head, a long sharp nose that gave him a sense of superiority, and thick eyebrows that looked far better than mine. I could clearly tell the color of his eyes, but I was sure they looked amazing.

"Concentrate!" He advised all of a sudden.
Reacting to his voice, my head snapped toward the lecturer down there who was busy with her work.
Oh, the shame!
The embarrassment!

He must have already created this image of me being a little pervert.

For the rest of the lecture, I chose to focus, but gawd! It was hard. I hated math. Hated the course I was being forced to study.
When we were in high school, Cindy always talked about being an accountant to help run her dad's businesses. She had been enthusiastic about the future.
A future I accidentally stole from her.

I zoned out and didn't even notice when the class was over.
"Hey?" Someone called knocking on my part of the bench desk.

"Huh!" I jerked out of my little world, snapping my head towards the person who had knocked.
I bumped into a pair of piercing amber eyes of the man who was bent down.
"Do...do you need-"

He pulled away, saying nothing else. He just picked up his bag and walked away.
Confused and shocked by his behavior and attractive appearance, I just stared at him walk down the steps till he exited the hall.
Only then did I catch all the giggling girls who were now talking about him, forgetting my gossip.
It was a good thing.
At least his appealing face would draw more attention than the cooked-up rumors about me.

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