6) Crossing the beast

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My hands shook harder than leaves under a rough storm. Humiliation. Anger. Growing hatred. They all bumped into each other in my chest, making me want to scream out in the emotional pain I was feeling.
Finally, the bottle was now in my loose grips.
Hesitating, I began opening it when it was snatched from my hands.
My head jerked up, but it was too late.

My gasp was triggered by the coldness of the aromatic wine being poured on me. Like a waterfall, it formed a curtain down my forehead while small rivers of it rushed down my face and back. Some managed to find its way into my gaped mouth as I tried to breathe normally after suffering some degree of shock from the abrupt attack.

I heard Mia giggle, too satisfied with the results of her mischief.
Her mother didn't hesitate to pour salt on my already emotional wound.
"Spoiled manners must be rectified, Maya."

My breaths thinned and my chest constricted to the wet clothes now clinging to my body. Any slight movement, and the cold air would grab the chance to torture me. Yet I couldn't just stand there, nor could I leave till he told me so.

"Get back to your room. No dinner for you tonight!" Gale hissed with venom swirling in his eyes. He hated me and didn't hold back to show me exactly how he felt about me.

Without waiting for a second instruction, I ran past him and towards the door. But suddenly, my left arm was grabbed and then used to fling the rest of my body backward like I was nothing more than a doll.
With my arm still in the confinement of his big hand, his eyes savaged me from my face to the tips of my toenails. Under his scrutinizing gaze, I forgot how to breathe temporarily or how to look into his eyes with my defying nature. All I could think of was what nasty thing he'd do or say to me next.

When Gale began leaning down to my face, I panicked and tried hopping away, but he quickly hauled me to himself. Maybe a little too much for my impact on him knocked both of us off balance, ending up collapsing on the floor with him under me.
The two women gasped terrified, but I shut them and the rest of the world out of my mind.

For a second, I thought we would share a special gaze like they did in the TV dramas. A moment in which a choking relationship would change and grow positively. But I was slapped hard by reality when Gale thrust me off of him without a shred of mercy.
Like a log, my body rolled on the floor, bruising my elbow in the process.
My grunts were suppressed by biting my lips so as not to irritate Gale who was already pissed.

He got up slowly, leaving me by myself on the floor.

Mia and Lori rushed to examine him for any wounds. They checked the wet patch on his t-shirt and immediately turned their dangerous glares at me.

"She's just pure trouble!" Mia accused bitterly.

"I agree. She should not dine with us from today," Lori chipped in, her hands busy pressing some paper towels on Gale's wet T-shirt.
All that while, the male had murdered me ten times with his fierce scowl.
Never had I felt as terrified as at that moment. I wished the earth would split right then and just send me straight to hell where Gale made me feel like I belonged.

"What are you looking at? Apologize!" Mia screamed rushing to stand before me. "Kneel and apologize for being such a troublemaker and a nuisance. Hardly been here long yet you've managed to cross everyone in the room."

"I...I..." I could only afford a weak mutter due to the emotions exploding inside me. Tears were the only expression that managed to convey my apologies. I was sorry for being alive. Sorry for ever meeting Gale.

Irritated by me, Mia grasped my arm with both her hands and tried pulling me off the floor. When she couldn't accomplish her goal, she instead gripped my t-shirt and pulled to drag me along the floor. Her intentions were long known to me. She wanted to humiliate me further by pretending to be the saint between us.

She pulled a little too hard, making the hem of the t-shirt to hike up, almost exposing my boobs.
That made me snap out of my self-pity.
I fought back and yanked my t-shirt out of her hands.
But the devil was feeling too kind to me that damned night. Mia slipped on the wine Gale had poured on me a few minutes ago.

With a sharp scream, she thudded on the wet floor loudly.
My heart instantly ceased beating. Time felt as though it had slowed or stopped entirely.

If Gale had had no plans of killing me tonight, I had now given him enough reasons to do it.
"Mia!" Lori cried out helplessly as she shot towards her groaning daughter.
I watched her scoop her into her lap and stroke her hair lovingly to comfort her.
When I tore my attention from them, it was because Gale had clasped my arm and was pulling me up.

Without as much as a single letter, he frantically dragged me out of the room, caring not if I tumbled along the way.
"Gale?" I cried resisting his aggressive pull. "Gale I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
He halted suddenly and snapped towards me, dark anger filling his eyes.
He looked like a beast about to devour its prey till nothing was left.

I thought he would yell at me, but he instead swept me off my feet and tossed me on his right shoulder like a sack of farm products.
Step by step, he ascended the stairs and stormed along the hallway till he got to a bedroom. I couldn't tell whose bedroom it was from the lack of exploration. But I could guess it was his from how lavish it looked and the manly cologne hanging in the air.

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