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Rimuru's POV

After that announcement in my head, I suddenly felt extremely sleepy. Unable to keep my Human form for much longer, I quickly landed on the ground, my mask slipping from my face from the movement as I picked it up with the blurring vision.

This isn't like my usual Sleep Mode. It's way beyond normal fatigue. This is bad, I need to return to Tempest immediately.

<Notice. One survivor detected through [Magic Perception].He is not from the EHrenfest knights who were excluded from the skill effects>

What? Every soul that had been broken should have been consumed by the effect of [Merciless] this isn't good.

<Notice. Harvest Festival is impossible to halt while in progress.>

Ah... Not good...

"Ranga...? Are you here?" I called, looking at my shadow

He immediately leaps out of it in response to my call.

"Here I am, Master!"

"Give me your orders!"

"This will be a top priority order, Ranga. Bring me back to the town safely. Also  bring the king along with the other knights with with you as well" I ordered while pointing to Edmalis and Gerlach I understand that everyone will be furious, but they must not be killed. Ah, yes, leave them to Eren and her friends, if you must."

"Yes, master"

"Master! One last thing before you rest! What shall I do with the living enemy?" Ranga asks

"Oh I'm impressed you detected that person too .Don't worry, I have an idea." I replied

While I don't want that unknown person interrupting my evolution into a Demon Lord, Ranga has to protect me and bring me back into Tempest. So, there's only this option left. Get someone else to do it. 

"Dispel the <Anti-Magic Area>" 

"Master, you shouldn't use magic in this state."

I made a demon summoning circle and called out "My offerings are the dead bodies in this place. This is your food . Now, come to my aid! <Demon Summoning>!"

To my surprise, only three demons appeared from the summoning circle.

To my surprise, only three demons appeared from the summoning circle

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"Oh... Only three? With all those bodies...? No matter they will have to do"

"Kufufufu, a familiar sensation. The birth of a new Demon Lord." The middle demon snickered.

"Someone is playing dead around here and is hiding from us... Leave him alive and deliver him to Ranga. I'll need you to act like a liaison, Ranga." I ordered him

"Yes, my lord!"

The middle demon suddenly lets out a burst of energy, "This is wondrous! Such a rich offering and my first task. Ah, the highest of honors - I can hardly contain myself! May I continue to serve you beyond these tasks?"

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