Massacre in Tempest

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Rimuru's Pov

I was currently enjoying my time as a teacher in the freedom academy teaching the children, when Soei arrived with the report.

"Really now another one like these children over here?"

"Yes my lord I confirmed it personally also three more people with high magicule content is coming to tempest to discuss a trade agreement with you."

"Really now fine I will go back when they come to tempest for now continue tailing them and report to me if anything strange happens".

"As you wish Lord Rimuru".

Soei left and I had a frown on my face contemplating how to address the situation.

"Is something bothering you sensei?" Chloe asked.

"Yes another one like you all whose mana is out of control". I told Chloe.

"You can help that person right" Kenya asked with a sense of panic and urgency.

I understood that look they were themselves in the same position like her and had it not been for me they would have died. They all felt a sense of kinship with Myne and wanted me to save her.

"You have the power to save her right please save her!" Alice asked me

"Yes sensei if it's you you can definitely save her like you saved us"

"Please don't leave her alone"

"Save her please"

"Alright alright I get you I will definitely save her like I save you all it's my promise to you all"

"Thank you sensei" They all chorused.

"Now now enough of that let's get back on the lesson"

"Boo Boo Boo Boo Boo"

"Now now no slacking of for you all" they piped down and we again started our lesson.

Myne's Pov

We were going through the jura forest currently and what I saw left me agape. Not only were the roads plain and paved but there were even water well and inns at regular intervals for the benefit of travellers travelling on the road there were milestones detailing the distance left towards major landmark and frankly it was a bit absurd that it was this well maintained.

'You are definitely an otherworlder . Technologies like this are not easy to replicate without proper knowledge. Perhaps I can expand my technologies if I move here instead of Ehrenfest where the commoner's are uneducated and the nobles are staunch traditionalist' I thought to myself.

"Myne what are those?" asked Ferdinand pointing to a waterwell.

"Those are handpumps they are used to get water from the ground. I was thinking of implementing a design but I see they have already done it"

"Excuse me! water in the middle of a forest so we wont have to worry about water running out?"

"Yes also there are milestones informing us about the distance left to travel and that inns are there every 10 km at regular intervals in the road?"

"My god Lord Rimuru is surely a wise ruler to have implemented all this within a span of two years just who is he?" Ferdinand muttered to himself.

Suddenly two guards came up to us on the road they were hobgoblins riding on some wolves. They came up to us and gave a friendly smile. Eckhart immediately went on alert but Ferdinand gestured to lower his guard and he got up and went to talk to them while my family who were in the other carriage were shivering in fear along with Benno and Lutz. I went up to them and asked them to relax.

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