Chapter 5: Welcome

Start from the beginning

She stopped.

"Is everything okay?" It reminded her of how Alina had shown so much concern for her. And yet Jovie was alone here. "Here, have a cup of water."

A cup manifested in Jovie's hand. She gripped it tightly, frowning at it. Isis...had magic?

"I-I don't understand. Doesn't this place hate magic? Is materializing your, you know, power?"

"That's a lot of questions." She looked uncomfortable. Jovie decided not to push her further. She could even find a friend in these Magicians, even if they were dangerous. But did she have any other choice. "They tell us to discipline ourselves. And oh no, I have many powers."

She had many powers. Meanwhile, Jovie couldn't change a thing, because she was only a Climatic. This was indoors, not outdoors. "'They?'" she echoed.

"The Authority–the higher-ups who tell us to do stuff. But this place is a lawless place. That's why I manage the whole place." she coughed. "Along with other prefects. I'm not a one-man show. But they do check on us."

"Precisely when?" Could they exterminate them? Jovie suddenly feared for her life.

We...don't know. They don't exactly tell us."
Jovie stayed silent.

"Adds to the mystery layer." Isis let out a forced chuckle. "Drink it."

Jovie took a sip. The water flowed through her throat, and she realized how raspy she must have sounded, being dehydrated and soaked in the rain. "Thanks." she croaked.

"You're welcome." Isis sighed. "By the way, you look as pale as a ghost. Just try to calm down. It's only natural that you're terrified."

"I'm not terrified." she puffed up.

Yes she was. Terrified as fuck, too.

"Okay, okay." she snapped her fingers. But instead of an item, another girl appeared. She had silky red hair neatly tied into a small ponytail. She did have pimples, but they actually made her look prettier. "Whatever."

"Sora, meet the newest arrival, Jovie Everhart."

"Jovie, huh?" Actually Pretty Girl raised an eyebrow. "Vaguely similar to Anchovie."
(Author's Note: Jovie's nickname, everybody.)

Oh come on, I hate fish! Jovie screamed internally. She reduced her initial frustration to a small scowl.

"Anyways, I'm Sora, Sora P. Chard, but you know that already. We're sharing the same room–" Sora winked, giving out that bad boy/washed-up vegan zealot attitude, but at least she was better than Isis, Alina and (obviously) Ezra.

So she took another step backwards. They probably were far stronger magicians than her.

"What's your power?" asked Sora, noticing her fear. Nonononono. Were they taking advantage of her?

"M-my power? Climatic." she replied, hoping they don't know the term.

Sora tilted her head in confusion. So did Isis, which made her relieved at their confusion. 

"Climatic... as in someone who has the ability of weather bending." Isis explained, which made Jovie hate her even more. "Cool beans."

"Then I don't see why they sent you here." Sora said bluntly, seeming to think Jovie was a harmless little fishie. "But magic is magic, and everyone hates magic."

"Everyone", it echoed in her mind.

Jovie nodded while Sora just stared. There was an awkward silence between them, but being sociable and annoying, Isis decided to break it.
"Let's just show her the kinky stuff first." Isis nudged Sora, and Sora stared back at her with beady eyes. "I'm not sure if kinky is the right word to describe–"

"Oh, shut up!" she frowned. Sora muttered something that was vaguely similar to duckety falls.

"The what?" Kinky. Now that piqued her interest.

"The stuff you'll like. Just come along."

Jovie walked on, finding it hard to catch up in their striding. Sora and Isis were both definitely older than her.

 Sora and Isis were both definitely older than her

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Word count: 1206

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