Lord Cregan Stark's Prophecy

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I see

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I see... Arhhh, I see a web woven with the threads of one's blood... ice lands... fiery lands... dragon flames... howling wolves... and shadows torment

The wolf howls mourn the fallen brother for blood stains the snow's white purity

The Old God's shadows lurk, waiting for the pack leader's spirits to be lost; their own blood's trust turns cold

The wolf must fight to reclaim his den, for only the true alpha emerges against those in sheep's clothing who seek to steal one's rights

A storm's coming for you, young Stark—a haunting, dark, foul-smelling storm. Prepare or die in hours direst

You must unleash the true strength of the wolf within you,

But such a task is peaceful to such torment, you must see... Loves lost with North's lady, another wishful to have, even after time soon passes, you shall lose one whom loves her lord deeply, gaining one thus losing another's presence deeply

The dearest one will face a great test, with armies marching and loyalties declared. Traitors will lurk in the shadows, waiting for their chance. And when the sun sets, storms will rage, ships will sail, and a horn will sound in a time of desperate need

Many do not understand their paths until it's late. You have no need to worry; only remembrance for when the moment comes

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