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I had no other option but to be brave and gulp dawn my fear, I had no other choice the togo to school or maby I could escape, if he didint see me he wouldint be abel to drag e into a tutoring room. Yes this will be just ike whe my mother tryed to bath me as A child I would find myself hiding and scurrying through the house in attempts to escape my prolonged fate

Summoning every ounce of bravery and pushing down my fear, I faced the day ahead with a mixture of determination and trepidation. Another day at school meant another chance encounter with Benjamin, the notorious tutor. Could I escape his clutches? The thought of him dragging me into yet another tutoring session made me shudder, reminiscent of childhood days spent dodging my mother's bath time routine.

The school bus, my chariot to both adventure and peril, awaited outside my house. With a theatrical flourish, I stepped out, ignoring the impatient honking as I made my entrance. Inside, Vanessa, my partner-in-crime and soul sister, was already immersed in her phone, juggling conversations with not one, but two boys.

""Who's caught your eye now?" I teased, gesturing to her phone.

"Brandon," she replied with a mischievous grin.

"The geometry guy?" I couldn't help but cringe at the thought.

Turning my attention away from Vanessa's romantic escapades, I focused on the imminent threat of Benjamin. Evading him became my top priority, even if it meant concocting elaborate schemes to convince him of my absence. I slipped off the bus incognito, sunglasses shielding my eyes, backpack pulled over my head like a makeshift disguise. Sneaking through the halls like a secret agent, I was determined to avoid Benjamin's gaze at all costs.

"Christeena, what's with the stealth mode?" Victoria, always quick to notice, raised an eyebrow.

"Spy mission," I whispered dramatically. "Avoiding Benjamin at all costs."

"Benjamin's on the prowl today," Victoria remarked with newfound interest.

"If my plan succeeds, he won't even know I exist," I replied cryptically.

Ducking into my classroom undetected, I breathed a sigh of relief, if only momentarily.

Time skip

Lunchtime, the battlefield of the cafeteria, where mac and cheese reigned supreme and Benjamin lurked like a hungry predator. With my heart pounding in my chest, I executed Operation Hide-and-Seek: Bathroom Edition.

Shrouded by a curtain of hair that would make Cousin Itt jealous, I stealthily placed my lunch order and made a beeline for the sanctuary of the bathroom. Mac and cheese in hand, I huddled in the stall, praying that Benjamin's tutor radar wouldn't pick up my scent.

Suddenly, a series of knocks shattered the tranquility of my noodle-induced bliss. "Occupied!" I declared, noodles flying as I attempted to speak with my mouth full.

But the knocks persisted, each one louder and more insistent than the last. Was Benjamin trying to break down the door with his superior math skills?

Just as I feared I'd be discovered mid-noodle, Vanessa's voice rang out like a heavenly chorus. "Christeena? Are you in there?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed, noodles spilling everywhere in my excitement.

"Why are you hiding in the bathroom?" Victoria's voice chimed in from the other side of the door.

"Oh, you know, just evading Benjamin and his terrifying tutoring sessions," I replied, trying to sound casual despite the chaos of my clandestine lunchtime escapade.

"Girls are complaining that you're hogging the bathroom," Victoria continued, her tone a mix of concern and amusement. "They're threatening to tell the teacher on you."

My heart skipped a beat. If Benjamin caught wind of my bathroom hideout, my cover would be blown faster than you could say "geometry is the bane of my existence."

Gasping dramatically, I realized the gravity of the situation. "That would be catastrophic! Benjamin must not know of my presence!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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