Day at the Mall

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First time writing- kinda worried.

Anyways, this is a bit after All-St*rs.


Heather was waiting for Alejandro to finish his first therapy session. Since the whole lava and robot incident, Alejandro has been seriously affected by it. He always denied it, but going through 2 panic attacks and a breakdown, that lasted a couple of hours, because someone brought it up in an online argument proved him wrong.

After a couple minutes, Alejandro came out, and he immediately ran to Heather and hugged her.

"Mi amor!" Alejandro said with a giddy tone, "Oh, I missed you! So much!"

"Its been only an hour and a half." Heather replied, still not used to someone loving and missing her that much. Alejandro began kissing her cheek about a million times. Although Heather loved the affection, she pulled away from the hug and kisses.

"We should go before paparazzi comes." Heather suggested.

They had to walk here since paparazzi memorized their car and they were pretty sure to raid the room Alejandro was in- especially the fan girls.

Heather put her arm around Alejandro's arm (like how they walked after they were paired together in the marriage challenge, idk how to describe that) and walked together.

"So, how was it?" Heather asked.

"It was ok; nothing important really happened." Alejandro answered.

Heather knew he was lying from the tear stains under his eyes, but she ignored it since the breakdowns were horrible.

"I don't know why this is even important" Alejandro added.

"Because I don't like seeing you cry, and you need to be calm when someone brings it up, especially in an insulting way." Heather answered him; normally she'd think someone crying over an online argument would be pathetic until the person crying was the only person she actually cared about.

"I don't like talking about it; it makes me uncomfortable remembering it... all." Alejandro argued and shuddered when saying 'all'. He always thought it would be pathetic to be traumatized by a Star Wars reference, but here he was.

Heather stopped walking and faced Alejandro, who also stopped walking when his girlfriend did.

"You know Alejandro, I'm proud of you; personally, I'd never have the guts go to therapy and get official help." Heather encouraged him with a soft smile.

Alejandro smiled, mainly because of seeing Heather being out of character only to him, and him only.

"Thank you, I love you. A lot." Alejandro told her, with a soft tone and genuine smile.

They walked for a bit, Heather still having her arm around Alejandro's. She stopped in front of the mall.

"Let me take you out, as a small reward." Heather told her Spaniard.

Heather took and sometimes dragged Alejandro to the mall entrance. Alejandro many times told her that she didn't need to, but in the end, he agreed. They entered the mall. Heather decided that it was Alejandro's turn to be the one being spoiled today; he needed it.

"Pick any store or brand you like." Heather said.

Alejandro was surprised; he didn't want to make Heather work for his happiness, but one look in her gray, mesmerising eyes was enough for him to be open-minded to this. They walked while Alejandro searched stores he'd like to buy from. Heather was just admiring Alejandro's face while walking; his tear stains calmed down and his frown and furrowed eyebrows were partially gone and replaced with a curious look and raised eyebrows. He was checking each store with attentive eyes, almost like he was staring at Heather. Almost.

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