Chapter 12

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The next thing Ravenfern knew she was awake in a large den. It smelled of horsetail and heather, the grass wet with dew. The sides of the den cloaked with the yellow flowers of a gorse bush.
As the tortoiseshell she-cat got up she felt the burning sensation in her paw, and her chest ached, she got back down and began to study her surroundings.
"Good, you're awake," a white and gray she-cat meowed happily.
"W-Where am I exactly?," Ravenfern questioned, looking into the white she-cat's glowing yellow eyes.
"You are in BreezeClan," she replied "Our warrior Cloudfur came into camp yowling like a lovesick bird, telling us a fox attacked a cat inside ShadeClan territory."
"He actually did that, he went to go and get help. I thought he just ran away," Ravenfern meowed dramatically.
"How do you know Cloudfur?" The white medicine cat asked suspiciously.
" we met at the gathering, then we both ran into each other while we were hunting. Then we stopped to talk, and then, the next thing we knew the fox attacked us. Don't worry, I didn't cross the border, and neither did he."she assured the medicine cat apprentice.
Speechless, the apprentice went back to sorting her herbs.
"So, mind telling me your name?" The tortoiseshell she-cat asked, trying to start a conversation.
"Whitepaw," she told not looking up.
"Ravenfern," she replied.
Whitepaw immediately paused what she was doing and looked at the calico warrior with curios eyes.
"So what you looking for in there?" Ravenfern asked the white apprentice with a smile lit on her face.
"I'm looking for some marigold it—"Whitepaw then hot cut off my the injured warrior.
"Keeps wounds from getting infected. If you don't have any you could try to use comfrey, it helps  soothe starches and wounds." Ravenfern finished.
"Yes, but how did you know that?"
"Not my first time in a medicine den, got attacked by a dog awhile back when I was an almost warrior," she told her.
"You got a sprained paw I believe. Your chest wound shouldn't leave a scar though," Whitepaw said thoughtfully.
Ravenfern gave an understanding nod and put her head down to rest.
A rustling noise at the entrance made Ravenfern life her head. It was Cloudfur, the white BreezeClan warrior that helped save her life.
"Hi Cloudfur," Ravenfern mewed at the tom, grateful to see him.
As Ravenfern got up again she made sure not to put that much pressure on her paw.
"You try to stay of the paw for a while, I'm pretty sure you can switch to three legs for a bit as it heals," the apprentice warned.
"Got it," the tortoiseshell warrior nodded.
"Do you know where Deepriver is, Graystar wants to see him," Cloudfur told Whitepaw. Giving a friendly nod towards Ravenfern.
"I think he's out herb gathering by the border with Fallpatch," Whitepaw replied. Cloudfur nodded.
"Well... Ravenfern. Graystar also wants to see you. Can you make it over to his den?" He asked.
"Yeah yeah, I'm not crippled."she rolled her eyes." I'm fine don't worry," she assured the white tom, starting to make her way out of the den.
Ravenfern followed Cloudfur out into the open. The smell of the fresh air, and heather was strong.
"This way," the white tom said looking over his shoulder.
Ravenfern limped her way to the den, on three paws.
"Come in," the leader told from inside his den.
The two made their way inside the den to see the gray leader. His dark gray fur blending into the shade of the gorse and heather bushes that surrounded him.
His amber eyes glowing like a flame.

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