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"..this is Tall Pine it marks our border with ShadeClan,"Quailmist said cheerfully padding along the border until they saw a ShadeClan patrol.
"Have you seen Lionstripe? He said he would be joining your Clan,"the tabby questioned.
Ravenpaw's ears folded back in sadness.
He was coming to join she thought.
"What happened? I need to know Lionstripe's my brother,"the she-cat spoke again.
"Ravenpaw do you know?"her mentor questioned as she replied with a nod.
"He died in the blizzard on the way here,"she murmured just loud enough to hear.
"How do you know?"another stated.
"Because he was my father,"she spoke up.
The patrol gazed at her with wide eyes as one spoke.
"I'm sorry for both our losses."she sighed then turned around the rest of the patrol following silently giving last glances to Ravenpaw.
"Well since that's over I'll go teach you to hunt,"she told as the two padded silently through the woods.
"This is hunters crouch,"she told.
As Ravenpaw tried to copy her moves Quailmist helped her by placing her tail slightly on her back to go lower.
"Perfect,"she stated to her apprentice.
As Ravenpaw got up she sat down and began to sniff the air.
"I smell; birds and mice,"she said while he mentor was checking if she was right.
"Correct,"she purred.
A little while later....
"It seems as if you mastered pinning and dodging. Now it's time for you to go against me."she meowed.
The two started circling around each other hissing and snarling.
"I wonder why Pinestar chose you as deputy. Your not worthy of it,"Ravenpaw spat.
"Good insult, that will do you well to another warrior,"she responded.
But while she was distracted Ravenpaw leapt at Quailmist one paw on her neck the other on her shoulder.
"You win,"she said sounding defeated as she pretended to fall limp.
As Ravenpaw got of her mentor a warrior came running up to them.
"Our patrol is being attacked by TideClan come quick!!"Tigerpaw yowled then led them through the forest to the fight.
"Remember your training,"she spat at Ravenpaw turning to another TideClan cat.
"Pigeonpaw go to camp and get help,"she told the grey apprentice as he nodded racing off to camp.
Then she saw Tigerpaw fighting a silver tom, and leapt in to help.
"Get lost kittypet,"her brother scowled pushing her out of the way easily.
The silver toms blood and fur were in her claws as she looked around for someone to help, as she was just about to move all the TideClan cats scattered back towards the border.
"Run,"Quailmist yowled shoving her apprentice to the ground.
Mountain Lion
Ravenpaw had nowhere to run when the giant tan pelt appeared in-front of her she knew it was too late, she knew she had to fight.
Ravenpaw fluffed up and became twice her size as she looked the mountain cat in the eyes.
"I'm not afraid of you!!"she yowled at it.
Then it ran off not putting up a fight.
She tasted the air until she came up on a familiar scent.
"Pigeonpaw,"she gasped running over to the silver tom.
She pressed her paw against his chest to see if he was breathing, but he wasn't.
"I'm so so sorry Pigeonpaw. You would've been a great warrior,"she whispered.
"You killed Pigeonpaw!!"the warrior yowled leaping at Ravenpaw her claw's unsheathed.
"I didn't Ashneedle,"she spat.
"Is that his blood on your paws? You had to kill him in cold blood didn't you,"she hissed ready to do the kill bite until Pinestar stopped her.
"What are you doing?"he questioned.
"I was about to kill the murderer of Pigeonpaw,"she snapped giving a cold glare to Ravenpaw.
"We'll give her a proper exile later Ashneedle,"he whispered in her ear.
The light grey she-cat nodded padding away.
"Move Ravenpaw,"he hissed fording her to her paws.
What a fox-heart she told herself.
As soon as they got back Pinestar called a Clan meeting.
"Let all cats old enough to walk the mountains gather beneath Hight Rock for a Clan meeting,"he yowled his cold gaze fixed on Ravenpaw who was shifting her paws nervously.
"Today Pigeonpaw was murdered by one of our own,"he paused.
"Ravenpaw,"he spat, like her name was as bad as eating mouse-bile.
All the cats made a circle around her spitting and hissing insults at her including Tigerpaw. The only ones who weren't where Tinyclaw and Icepaw.
Then an apprentice came out of the crowd and slashed at her right eye making the two claw marks bleed as she closed her eye half way in pain.
"I exile you from  StormClan and may you never return,"he yowled.
Ravenpaw was searching the crowd for thoughtful cats who would stick up for her, then her eyes landed on her mother and brother who cried.
The last thing the others saw was her angered eyes leaving camp.

So this is what I imagined some of the landmarks to look like-

So this is what I imagined some of the landmarks to look like-

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