Missing Aysha and Sean

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Mrs Norman : are you fine now sweetheart

Tyana : yes mam

Mrs Norman : call me mom okay

Tyana : okay mom

Caleb : thank you mama

Mrs Norman : where are you lan

Caleb : mom my name is not Ian

Mrs Norman : where are you

Caleb : Makayla needs my help mama

Mrs Norman : is she okay

Caleb : the dankwoks have their own family problems so she left home but has no where to go

Mrs Norman : okay - but come home quickly your babies are hurting their mother because they want you

Caleb : those are my babies

Mrs Norman : good night

She stands up and leaves tyana wipes her tears

Caleb : are you okay baby

Tyana : yeah - I will call you later let me rest

Caleb : okay


Next day

Caleb and Makayla arrive then the whole family welcomes her

Caleb : she's still short

Makayla : Caleb -

Caleb : I'm kidding

He goe's to their room

Caleb : where are you going

Tyana : umm I wanted to visit someone

Caleb : for how many days

Tyana : I will be back today

Caleb : okay

He lets her go then when she was on the road two cars follow her car

Tyana : that's Caleb for me

They laugh than she gets out with 2 bodyguards from their car and 8 body guards from the two cars

Tyana : did he tell you guys to follow me

Bodyguard 1 : yes mam

She goes on her knees and cries infront of Sean and Aysha's grave than a car pulls up then ace and Caleb get out and stand next to her - then Caleb goes on his knees next to her and puts flowers on the graves

It rains>>>>>>

Tyana : I have nothing at this point

Caleb : don't say that - you have me ,ace and our babies - let's go home it's raining

She stands

Caleb : we love you Aysha

He stands

Tyana : my brother??

Caleb : the one who tried to kill you

Tyana : wow

Caleb : I'm kidding tyana love's u Sean

Tyana : you

Caleb : I'm not gay

Ace laughs

Tyana : ace - please help me

Ace : what do you want me to do for you pie

Tyana : let's go home it's getting worse

So Caleb , ace and tyana enter in the same car

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