meet my family

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Aurora : I mean u and her used to be so perfect

Caleb : we were never perfect she wasn't giving me what I wanted anymore - I mean remember lar I  found out she cheated on me  with him.............


Tyana: umm thank you for dinner I have to go home

Ace : it was nice having you here

Mark : stay safe

Caleb : let me take you home

Tyana : ohh no you don't have to

Caleb : I love you so I will

( She smiles at him )

Caleb : I will be back family

( He takes her home )

Tyana : I want you to meet my granny

Caleb : I would love to

( They enter )

Tyana : gran - gran

Granny : T-Tyana is that you sweetheart

Tyana : yes granny it's me I want you to meet someone

Granny: Ahhhh son of jefe

Tyana: granny what do you mean son of jefe

Granny : ohh don't worry about it

Caleb :umm you know my father ( while smiling)

( Granny winks at him )

Granny : no it's an Italian word for son of hope

Tyana : oh okay

Granny : tyana please go and get medicine for granny upstairs

Tyana fetches the medicine

Granny : how is your father

Caleb : well his good but he is still in Mexico with mom

Granny : ohh that's bad when is he returning

Caleb : after two months

Tyana comes

Tyana : here they are granny

Granny : Ahh granny doesn't want them anymore

She stands and leaves

Tyana : that's my granny

They both laugh

Caleb : it's getting late I think I should go home

They go outside

Caleb : I love you
He kisses her

Tyana : I love you too

He leaves than she blushes

Sean : what was he doing here

Tyana : why do you care

Sean : I'm asking you a question

He grabs my arm

Tyana: you are hurting my arm

Sean : answer my question

Tyana : he was here for me

Sean : why

Tyana : because we are together
                            Tyana's pov

I never thought Sean could be so crazy - after I told him that Caleb was my boyfriend his eyes grew With anger he let my arm go and went inside the house but the next day he took it to far..................

Hey guys my apologies for the spelling mistakes and thank you to the people who actually read this story ❤️

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