Aurora's pov

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As I was sitting with my older siblings
making jokes that would never end I felt a bit sad not knowing why but I cried than my second older brother Caleb gave me a hug

Caleb : hey don't cry

Ray : what's wrong

Aurora : I don't want this life anymore
( Mother enters)

Mother : that's why we are moving

Ray : where are we going

Mother : we are moving to John's river

Caleb : when are we moving

Mother : tomorrow

( Than she leaves)

Aurora : now I have to say goodbye to my friends

Ray : Caleb has to tell Nora that he loves her ( in a teasing voice)

Caleb : shut up

Aurora : she's my bestie so u need to tell her

Caleb : for you I will

Ray : do you even like that girl

( Caleb gives ray a death stare )

Ray : nevermind

                    Caleb's pov

Mom knew I knew why we were moving but she still decided to act like I didn't she has never been the same ever since my older brother died she blamed dad for it which I don't believe he did it the next day we were packing aurora and ray couldn't stop talking about Nora - I mean I was in love with her but she stopped giving me what I wanted she was cold-hearted and she was always with her boy best friend which made me mad

Aurora : so........

Ray : are you gonna break up with her

Caleb : no - I'm gonna remain silent

Aurora : but that's wrong

Caleb : in your eyes it's wrong

Ray : and his older - wow I feel like I'm the older one

Caleb : well you not

( Ace enters )

Ace : the car is ready

Ray : are you coming with us

Ace : I have to since your parents are not coming with you guys

Aurora : when are they coming

Ace : after 1 month

Caleb : it's basically 2 since this month just started

Ace : correct - anyways we have to be at the airport within an hour

We got ready than we left and got to John's river - when we arrived the house was a bit huge than our house it had more rooms we than unpacked and got called to the b.r

Ace : you guys will have to go to carvon it's a school which your parents  requested for you guys - you guys know the rules first we don't want parties second we don't want you guys to get into trouble and last keep your identity hidden you can keep your names and all but don't tell anyone who we are

Ray : so we can bring girls

Ace : I didn't receive any information on that

Ray : bet

( Ace leaves)

Aurora : so what now

Caleb : we could go shopping for school clothes

Ray : I don't think so because carvon has its own uniform

( They check it )

Aurora : it's cute

Ray : I'm getting bored now

Caleb : yeah - no I will be in my room if you need me

Aurora : are we not going shopping

Caleb : maybe later bubble face

Aurora : Caleb......

( School day arrives)

Ray : this school look's huge

Aurora : and nice

( The headmaster and tyana come)

Headmaster : you guys are here - I'm your school headmaster and this is my hemlyn Tyana

Tyana : hi - nice to meet you guys

Hey guys I would love to thank all my readers I hope you all enjoyed it and I'm so sorry if there are any spelling mistakes ❤️

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