Chapter 7. Friendship

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Author's Pov

At 6'O clock , he was ready to meet her and talk to her. Before 7 he reached the coffee shop waiting for her.

Isabelle came and saw him standing near the coffee store.

She waved her hand "Hey Calvin"

The moment he saw her wearing a beautiful black dress that hugs her figure elegantly, her open hairs around the shoulder, made him being more obsessed with her.

She comes near him and asks "Calvin. Hey what are you thinking"

"Wow... You look incredible"

"Thank you"

Calvin leads her to the coffee shop. Gesturing her to have a seat.

"What were you thinking that day. I mean you were so lost that you didn't notice the car"

"I don't know. This days I'm not feeling good. I feel lost" she says while taking a sip of her coffee

"It's okay. It happens sometimes"

Calvin listens intently, offering words of comfort and understanding to Isabelle.

Calvin asks changing the topic "So Doc-

"Calvin, You can call me by my name"

"Okay So Isabelle I heard a joke last night and I think you'll appreciate."

"Go on. I'm all ears"

"Tell me... What do you get when you put a vest on an alligator "

She thinks for a while "What?"

"An investigator"

She chuckles

"Oh my gosh.... Seriously worst joke but funny "she says while laughing

"Okay I have one more for you"

"Go ahead"

"Why don't scientists trust atoms?"


"Because... They make up everything"

They both started laughing ,the sound echoing through the cafe

"It's a terrible joke"

Their laughter continues to bubble between them, a shared moment of joy that binds them together in friendship.

"Thank you Calvin for making me laugh. I really needed a good laugh"

"Anytime. Life's too short to take too seriously"

"Yeah. I have to leave now. And once again thank you"

"It's okay no need to thank because that's what friends do"

"Yeah and sorry I didn't accept your friendship that day but I accept it now"

"Byee Calvin. We'll meet soon"

"Sure bye"


The next day Isabelle and Calvin find themselves once again in the same coffee shop, the scent of freshly brewed coffee mingling with the gentle hum of conversation between them.

Isabelle sipping her coffee "It's nice to see you again"

"Likewise I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation yesterday"

"Yeah me too"

They were drinking coffe while talking about their dreams, passion and also about their life.

Calvin leans forward "I think we should do this more often. I mean it's nice to have someone to share a cup of coffee with."

"That's true. It's been a while since I've had a real friend to hang out with"

Their small laughs were echoing in the shop.

Calvin - "So what brings you to this coffee shop today"

"Just wanted a change of scenery. What about you"

"Same here, also I loved their coffee especially that caramel macchiato"

They talked for a while.

" Okay Isabelle. I'm getting late so we'll meet again"

"Let's meet again. You know what would be fun. Bowling! "

"Yeah great. It's been ages since I've been to a bowling alley"

Then let's meet this weekend"

"Okay" she nodded

He was working in his cabin. But cannot think anything else except about her.

Calvin -"Her eyes, her hair, her face everything made me obsessed with her. The way she was seeing me, the way she was talking to me"

"What magic you did to me Isabelle. I can't think about anything"

"Now, I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a week"

A Tale Of Revenge Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin