Chapter 4: Meetings Pt. 2

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As we get closer and closer to my childhood home the more I freak the fuck out. I've never introduced my parents to a guy before and I'm not going to lie, I'm a big ass daddy's girl and I just don't know how they'll react to the news. I think the fact that I'm introducing them should be enough indication that I'm serious. We're close since I'm their only child but somethings you just don't talk about with the people that bought you into the world. So, I'm sure they just thought I'd never be the child to settle down. They are far from stupid, just because they didn't meet anyone didn't mean that it wasn't people around. But I really fucked up not telling them about Vin, no matter how much my father's opinion terrifies me. I should've put on my fucking big girl panties and handled it. Vin is right about how it's going to look now that we've progressed so much in our relationship and they don't even know he exist. And knowing my daddy he's going to probably think it's all Vin's fault that I didn't tell them about him. Fuck!

"Hey," Vin says softly squeezing my thigh causing me to glance at him, "it's going to be okay bella. Regardless of what happens tonight, we'll still be together, and I'll still love you."

I give him a half smile, "thank you baby." I lean over kissing his cheek. Deep down I know that Vin is right. We have no choice but to be together no matter if they like him or not. It'd just make life a lot fucking easier if everyone got along. I never want to be put in a situation to where I have to pick my family over my future. And ultimately Vin has been through some bullshit in his past relationships and with his first soulmate. He always says that's why he was blessed with me and I love the kid too much to hurt him.

When the car stops, we're in my parents' driveway. I exhale deeply before getting out the car waiting for Vin. I take his hand leading him to the front door. I use my key to unlock the door. "Ma! Dad!" I yell loudly.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to yell in my house" I hear my mother say sassily causing me to smile. God, I've missed them. She rounds the corner into the foyer in jeans, a loose-fitting tee, and booties. Her long hair down in waves down her back.

"That's your mother?" Vin whispers in awe to me causing me to hit him in the side.

"Oh honey I've missed you" she says pulling me into a tight hug.

"Me too mommy" I say hugging her back.

She pulls away from the hug finally looking at Vin, "you've bought company" she doesn't hide the shock from her voice.

"Uh yeah, mommy this is my boyfriend Vincent. Vincent this is my mother Nicole."

She holds out her hand to him, "nice to meet you."

He shakes her hand, "you as well."

"I ordered Mexican, you guys go ahead to the kitchen and I'll get your father."

I take his hand again leading him to the kitchen where we wash our hands before taking seats at the table. My mother is the easy one. Long as he doesn't hurt me, or I don't show signs of being hurt then she's fine. She knows me well enough to know I don't take shit from anyone. She returns with my father and he sits at the table while she goes to the fridge.

"Who's this?" my father asks eyeing Vinny.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes, "he's my boyfriend Vincent. Vin this is my father Carmichael."

"Nice to meet you" Vin says holding his hand out.

My father eyes it. "Dad be nice." I hiss.

He shakes his hand tightly causing Vin to smile, "couldn't settle down with someone of your own race?" he says once he's let go of Vin's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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