chapter 8:The journey

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         "Thank God you were still there to calm rhea down so that she won't get a detention and stay behind while we go" Anita said,facing me. Yeah, it would have been painful if Rhea didn't follow us on this trip!! Tina added. Well what are friends for? I told them. They both chorused: "to be there for each other". "Alright girls enough of talking about me, so how about you Stella who is your partner? Rhea asked me. I was shocked to see Rhea talk because she hadn't said anything since we were on the bus, infact we all all were shocked to even see her smiling while talking. Finally someone has cheered up. I said, trying to tease Rhea. She chuckled a bit and said: "well you don't expect me to be moody or frown all day!! Am not evil, besides my friends are with me so I guess I don't need to think of any stupid partner again!! Rhea answered me.

That's true, thank God you're smiling back again. Anita said. Wasn't I smiling before? Rhea asked. Damn no you weren't, rather you look like that character from angry bird. Tina answered Rhea. "Are you for real? Rhea asked. "Ofcourse am serious, Stella you love watching cartoons right? Tina asked me. Sure!! I answered her. "Then please do me a favor by reminding me of the name of that red bird character in angry bird cartoon" Tina said. Funny enough, his name is red. I answered her. "Wow, what a name!! next time Stella don't allow me to ask you the name of a cartoon character before you tell me okay? Tina told me. Okay mom, pardon me I won't do that again. I answered her as if she was my mum cause she was already acting like it. So back to what I was saying, when you were frowning you looked like red from the angry bird movie. Tina told Rhea. Wow I didn't know I could look that ugly. Rhea said. Don't be hard on yourself dear just take it easy. Anita told Rhea. Then we all laughed. "So you still haven't answered my question Stella, I said who is your partner? Rhea asked me.

           I suddenly felt uncomfortable and I was even sweating, but i didn't realize it, until anita asked me why u was sweating and if am okay? I told her that am fine but I knew I was lying!! "Stella you still haven't said anything yet" Tina told me. "Alright,my partner is ri-richard" I murmured. "You mean Richard, the new boy? Rhea asked. "Obviously it's him,who else could it be? I asked her back. Wow, that's great, girl your damn lucky!! Rhea said to me. What's luck got to do with Richard being my partner? I asked Rhea. "Well at least you didn't get jade, or a member of the pras girls as a partner and the way I see it, there's nothing wrong with Richard" Rhea answered me. "And it's not as if Richard is a member of the CIAP boys"Anita added. "Well it's only a matter of time" I said to them. Girl, your supposed to be happy cause I don't know why your so nervous about Richard. Rhea said. "Am not nervous, just that......"

Before I could complete my statement, Rhea took the words from me. "Just that what huh? Listen to me Stella, you don't need to worry about Richard or anything okay? Cause the way I see it, he seems like a nice guy " Rhea said, holding my hands. Ever heard the expression which says "don't judge a book by it's cover"? I asked Rhea. Ofcourse I've heard it but, what I meant is that you don't need to be worried cause we your friends are right beside you. Rhea said, smiling. Immediately Rhea said that, I felt completely relaxed and unbothered. "Awwwn, little red is becoming cute!!! Tina said,trying to tease Rhea. Who is she calling "little red"? Rhea asked me.
It's you of course, I answered her,laughing hard.
I bet that's a good name for Rhea, why don't we all start calling her "little red? Tina asked.
You girls dare not. Rhea answered.

       "Take it easy Rhea, Tina is only joking with you"anita said. "I know" rhea said, smiling. Can you open the windows so we can see the view better? Rhea asked me. Sure!!! I answered. As soon as I opened the window, you needed to feel that fresh air that found it way into the bus. "Wow the view is so nice" I said. Yes, that's why I was so excited to go on this trip. Rhea answered.

............... honestly speaking, the view was so lovely right from the tall trees that danced about, to the amazingly constructed buildings and ofcourse the passers-byes both young and old alike................

We were all still staring at the window until we heard Rhea said "ain't we there yet?. Relax girl, we would soon reach. Anita answered her. "But when? Am already getting bored and tired. Rhea replied back. Thought you were dying to go on this trip and now your tired? Anita asked. "So much for school trip" I said. "It's not funny" Rhea answered. Am sure we are almost there!! Tina said. And how do you know? Rhea asked Tina. "Cause am a genius" Tina answered. "Genius indeed!! I said. So we all laughed.

         Quiet please, I need everyone's attention, Mrs Magreth said. She continued by saying that: "we are about to enter the fun fair so let's start preparing to get down from the bus because we would soon highlight. you could tell that the whole bus was noisy because students were happy to finally enter the fun fair. Many students who sat beside the window, opened it for them and others to have a good look at the entrance view of the fun fair. "Please reduce your noise" p.e teacher cautioned us. "Finally we are here!! Rhea said. "See, I told you that we are almost there but you guys didn't believe me" Tina said. I guess your a genius after all!!! I said to Tina. Sure I am!! She answered. Then we all laughed.

"I can't wait to get down from the bus and explore the whole fun fair" Rhea said. You always can't wait to do something!!! Anita teased Rhea. "Exactly!!! First,you couldn't wait to go on the trip till you had an unwanted partner, secondly, while on the trip you couldn't still exercise patient and you got bored and right now again, you can't wait to get into the fun fair!!! Tina blasted Rhea. "It's not her fault, let's just be happy that she is excited again and back to her self just like before!! I told them. "I don't blame Tina, cause you don't know how long I have been in the bus, just to reach here" Rhea said. Actually, I think you mean "we", cause the way I see it, your not the only one who have been in the bus waiting to get here. Tina told Rhea.

             Enough of the argument!!! Let's just enjoy the entrance view of the fun fair. I told them all. The bus turned left and proceeded to enter into the fun fair. Through the window, you could see that the gate was black in colour and it had some gorgeous designs embedded on the body which was painted in gold. On the top of gate was written "FUN FAIR" and it was written in bold gothic letters. The ribbon-like decorations gave the gate a finishing look. Soon the gate open and all the buses zoomed in. Since I and my friends were in bus 1, our bus was the first to enter, along with other bus following behind in numerical order.

Wow,look at that mery go round!!! Rhea shouted. It's so huge and also take a look at that pool!!! Tina replied Rhea. There were so many things to look at. Each students started pointing their fingers out of the window and talking loud in amuze because they were fascinated by all what they saw in the fun fair. "No noise please!!! Mrs Magreth said. The noise reduced a bit but rose up again as a result of amusement of surrounding.

................. Not that I and the rest of the students haven't been to a fun fair before, but this particular fun fair is so huge and filled with a lot of things....................

To crown it all up, we were the first to be invited and to step into the premises!! So tell me now, if it were to be you, won't you happy?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 05 ⏰

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