"It doesn't even matter," I sighed, sitting on the steps, and Eunkwang joined me. "It's not like they were serious or anything."

"No, but they were shitty jokes to make," he said. "Especially in front of you."

"I think it's just the reminder that there were others, you know?" I said quietly. "I mean, I know I don't really have to worry about them as they're not in the picture and he's mine now, but... it still irks me." I snorted quietly. "Especially that whole thing with that bitch Kayla."

"That's in the past now," Eunkwang assured me. "But I do understand what you're saying." He paused. "You know, Chan never brought home as many girls as you think, or at least what they're making out to be. Some of the others have brought home just as many, the only reason they joke about it like that is because Chan usually brought home the insane ones." He chuckled. "Except you, of course."

"Sure," I laughed softly, then sighed.

"Just don't pay what they say any heed," he said, nudging my arm gently. "They're idiots, they don't mean anything by it really. Just know that you and Chan mean a lot to each other and that's all that matters. Despite everything that has happened, you are the only one for him. I've never seen him so happy and showing emotions... you bring out the better side in him."

"I'm glad," I smiled a little. "Thank you, Eunkwang, this talk has helped."

"No problem," he smiled. "You're part of the Skz family, therefore you're part of our extended family. You're just as important as the others."

I smiled widely in appreciation as a warm feeling spread through me; I couldn't lie, I enjoyed the reminder every now and then that I was a part of a family.

"I'm going to go clean up," I said, standing, and Eunkwang did the same. "If the others ask, I'm in my room."

After he nodded, I gave him a small smile and wave, which he returned, and then I headed upstairs.

When I reached my room I kept my focus on cleaning myself rather than think about what had just occurred; it would only get me riled up.

However, I wasn't alone again for long. This time, it was the one person I wanted the most.

"Lex?" Chan said, coming into the room and looking around, spotting me coming out of the bathroom.

Silently, I went up to him, and he knew what I wanted because he was already opening his arms. As soon as I was in his embrace I could feel myself relax, sighing in content. This was my happy place.

"I'm sorry, princess," he said quietly, gently squeezing me. "Those idiots shouldn't have been saying that stuff. I've given them an earful about it."

"It's okay," I mumbled, nuzzling into him. "I'm sorry for overreacting."

"You didn't," Chan assured me. "You had every right to react the way you did. Besides, it made them feel guilty when they realised they'd upset you. They wanted to come see you as well."

"I'll talk to them later," I sighed. "I already spoke to Eunkwang though."

"I figured," he said quietly with a smile. "Did it help?"

"A bit," I nodded, and he placed his forehead on mine. "He said that you didn't actually bring that many girls home?"

"Not as much as some of the others, no," he answered truthfully. "But don't worry about that now, they're gone and you're here, you're mine. 'Cause you're the only one for me."

"Good," I smiled. "You're all I ever need."

"I'm glad," he returned the smile, then kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said softly, kissing him once more.

Chan was certainly the thing I cared about the most, he was my universe... I would be lost without him.


Later on that day, Chan and I were relaxing outside as evening began, and the sky started turning pink and orange. We'd just had dinner with all the guys, which had been much more relaxed after the ones who had made the jokes to me came and apologised to me. At first I'd pretended not to accept their apologies, until they were literally grovelling at my feet, which I'd laughed at and told them it was okay. After that, the atmosphere was back to the normal, energetic way that it usually was.

Chan and I sat on one of the sofas outside, cuddled up to each other as we enjoyed each other's presence.

"You know, even though the day went south, I'm glad we went to the cemetery," I said quietly. "Even if it wasn't how I would've liked it, I got to see my parents... and I got to have closure."

"It's good that you did," Chan said, kissing my head. "At least it's something your mind can be at ease with now."

"Definitely," I nodded. "Thank you for being with me, by the way. Like I said earlier, I couldn't have done it by myself."

"Anything for you, princess," he promised. "I'll always do anything you need me to, even protect you with my own life." He sighed. "Which I worry I might have to do with these attackers. I'm concerned that they may have been after you."

"That has crossed my mind too," I said, frowning a little. "There are still groups out there who know who I am and that I'm with Skz. Who knows who's holding a grudge long enough to still be after me."

"Well, they're not having you," Chan said, pulling me tighter to him. "We're going to have to be extra careful when going out."

"I can try stay at the mansion as much as possible," I said, even though the thought bugged me.

"Maybe," Chan sighed. "I don't want to restrict you from doing things. Regardless, I'll always be protecting you wherever you are."

"I appreciate it," I smiled, snuggling into him more.

As much as I knew Chan would keep to his promise of protecting me, I knew he wouldn't be the only one. The others would most likely be at my side in an instant if I was in danger, which I hoped I wasn't, even if it did seem very possible that I had been the target. I just hoped we would find out who it is sooner rather than later.



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