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After Minho had left the room, I had tucked into the fresh breakfast foods almost instantly; after being starved for a few days, you couldn't blame me for wanting food so badly.

After eating, I went into the wardrobe, looking for something to wear. Yet I didn't have much choice in variety, as they were all plain and almost all the exact same colour. So, I just ended up with black leggings and a long sleeve grey top. At least they were comfortable and fit well.

After that, I sat around for a little bit, waiting to see if anyone was coming to fetch me as Minho mentioned they might. But, in a basic room with nothing to do, I got bored easily. It wasn't long before I was once again looking for ways out of the room, this time with a clearer head.

I quickly established that the only ways out were the door and windows, but seeing as even if I managed to unlock the door, I would no doubt bump into someone on my way out. That left the windows.

Outside the windows, it would've been hard to tell where we were, the thick forest ensuring it was hard to see any landmarks. Lucky for me, I already knew the location as I had already escaped here once, plus they didn't exactly blindfold me in the car yesterday.

So, I knew I could get back to the city, even if I had to trek it like before. The only issue now was getting the windows to open. After inspecting them quite thoroughly, I began to realise how serious these guys were if they were spending hundreds, if not thousands, on industrial grade shit like this; even the fucking glass itself seemed bulletproof.

Groaning as I lost my patience, I grabbed the wooden stool at the dresser and angrily threw it at the windows, but it did nothing except break the chair.

Cursing under my breath, I sat down on the floor against the bed with a huff. I was beginning to realise it was actually going to be more difficult than I realised to escape.

However, I began to think of another way I could possibly escape. Minho said they'd probably get me to work for them by doing what I used to do. That meant I'd have to leave this place and go out into the city. No doubt someone would be with me along with some surveillance, but if I could somehow get rid of the person with me at the time, and evade their surveillance... it could work. But that meant I'd have to work with them until that point... So be it. I've always done what I've had to.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door, followed by it unlocking and opening. In the doorway was a blonde, freckled, man, with an admittedly adorable face when it wasn't scowling... which thankfully it wasn't now. This was Felix, who frowned at the splintered remnants of the stool by the windows.

"If that was you trying to escape, you'll have to do a lot better than that, darling," he said in a surprisingly deep voice.

"Already worked that one out," I fake smiled at him whilst flipping him off.

"Of course," he rolled his eyes. "I need you to come with me."

"For what?" I asked, a little wary.

"We need your help," he sighed. "Our tech expert, one of the best out there, is having trouble accessing your usb."

"Damn," I snorted. "I'd secured it better than I'd realised."

Fateful Desire || Bang ChanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora