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To say I was surprised would have been an understatement.

When we got back to the mansion, Chan nodded at Minho, who still remained at my side, though at this point he was semi holding me up considering how tired I was, especially now that the adrenaline had worn off once again.

Minho seemed to have understood that nod, as without a word, he began guiding me across the foyer... and up the wide, marble staircase.

Though I was ready to drop at this point, confusion still set in. Was their murder room on a higher floor?

We walked down a thickly carpeted hallway and stopped outside a door right at the end. I didn't know what was behind it, but after knowing that Ms Choi was likely safe from harm, I had essentially accepted my fate on the drive back.

"Is it going to be painful?" I asked quietly as Minho unlocked the door.

"What?" He gave me a look of confusion.

"My death," I explained. "It's what's going to happen right now, isn't it?"

Minho made a small noise of amusement and opened the door, pulling me into the room.

It was a bedroom. A fairly empty and bland one, with only a single bed, wardrobe, dressing table, and white walls and carpet... but it was a bedroom.

"Death by comfort, sure," Minho chuckled. I turned to look at him with a questioning look. "We're not killing you... we've realised the worth of your usefulness."

"So you're going to use me?" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"More like encourage you to work for us," he shrugged. "You'll basically be doing what you've already been doing in your solo work... except it will be for us."

"Whilst under close supervision, no doubt," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"You can't blame us if we don't trust you," he sighed. "You've already tricked us once, we won't let it happen again."

"Of course," I muttered. "And the room?"

"It's yours," he answered. "Sure, it's got some safety precautions on the doors and windows -"

"So I can't escape."

" - but we figured you'd need somewhere to recover and be able to rest properly in comfort," he finished.

"Mhm," I mumbled, refraining from rolling my eyes.

"Speaking of," he said, moving to leave. "I'll be back with food and water in a bit, feel free to clean yourself up in the en suite bathroom. There are some plain clothes in the wardrobe."

Seeming embarrassed about the sudden care he was showing me, he swiftly left, closing and locking the door behind him.

I scoffed softly at the locked door. Sure, I'll have comfort, but I'll still be a prisoner.

Through my tiredness, I made my way over to the windows, first trying the obvious way out by opening them... but they wouldn't move an inch. Then I tried hitting them, but either I was too weak right now, or they were made of intensely strong glass. Even around the edges of the frame, it seemed as though it was part of the solid wall next to it.

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