You were acutely aware of the pressure building between you, and the sexual energy surging through your veins as his hands moved from your hair to your lower back, pulling you closer still until you could feel the rigid contours of his body pressed firmly against yours.

"Y/N," Tommy gasped, trying to distance himself once more but you would not let him this time.

Unable to resist him any longer, you let your hands trail up from his waist to his chest, feeling the steady thrum of his heart beating beneath your fingertips. With each passing moment, the attraction between you grew more potent, as intense as ever before.

So much so, that, when Tommy's fingers trailed lower to grasp the curve of your backside, it was all you could do to stifle the jolt of pleasure that shot straight to your core. Your breath hitched in your throat, body trembling as you fought to maintain some semblance of control.

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, you tipped your head back, granting Tommy access to that tender vulnerability that he craved.

His skin met yours with a promise that tingled in every nerve ending, igniting a fire within you, burning for answers only Tommy could provide all while your fingers clutched desperately at the fabric of his shirt.

Then finally, Tommy cupped your face within his sizable palms, thumbing away the tears that cascaded down your flushed cheeks without warning before dipping his head to claim your mouth with the very same ferocity that he waged war with the world outside.

Feeling his lips on yours again brought back memories which you tried to forget but never could. You grazed his bottom lip gently, coaxing him to deepen the kiss with a subtle circles of your tongue around the corners of his mouth until he relented.

A familiar moan escaped your lips as Tommy consumed you whole.

Your tongues intertwined, exploring fervently, tasting the bitter tang of tobacco on his lips with a hunger that couldn't be quenched.

Lost in the passionate whirlwind of fervent lips and tangled tongues, you managed to forget where you were and whom you were with, even if only for a brief moment and, before you even knew what had hit you, Tommy's hands had made quick work of unbuttoning your blouse.

"We shouldn't," you murmured feebly, although the catch in your voice betrayed how much you truly meant those words.

"No, probably not," Tommy agreed as his fingers traveled lightly over the expanse of your chest, curling around the slim strap of your bra before pulling it down seductively, revealing the soft mound of your breast.

You inhaled sharply, overwhelmed by the sudden rush of sensation flooding through your body as his fingers circled your nipple, teasing it into a tight, sensitive peak.

"But, fuck, Y/N. I need you, and I think you need me just as much, eh," he groaned, burying his face in your neck as you tilt your head back, granting him further access to the expanse of your exposed skin.

His breath tickled the sensitive spot beneath your ear, inciting another shudder to ripple through you as you tugged on his suit jacket, wanting him to take it off.

As if on autopilot, Tommy obliged, shrugging his jacket off before tossing it carelessly aside. He then took off his gun holster , never letting his gaze waver from your own.

His mere presence demanded attention in every room he entered, and it was no different now. In fact, the anticipation of what was to come was almost as tantalizing as the act itself, toying with every nerve ending in your body.

His fingers brushed against yours as you both worked to unfasten his belt while, at the same time, he pushed you backwards gently, causing your back to make contact with his large study desk.

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