"Let me look it up," Oli quickly pulled out her phone.

I puckered my lips and sucked in air out of nervousness. I didn't want Oli to win.

"Wait- How about Popeye the show!?" I tried to save my ass, knowing Oli wouldn't know the show.

It didn't take long before she shouted, "It's in black and white!"

- Olivia POV -

Y/n was a bit of an idiot at times.... but I had missed the little clueless idiot...

I think we all knew, one way or another, that Dani would end up falling for Y/n. Dani had a heart that was too big at times...

I think we all just didn't expect for Y/n to return the feelings.

"I'm home!!!" An unexpected cheery voice suddenly walked in through the front row.

I quickly got up to greet the owner of the voice, knowing who it was...

I quickly got up to greet the owner of the voice, knowing who it was

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Of course, it was Danielle.

It seemed like Dani had the same idea I had.

"Oh, Helloooooo!!" I greeted her with a hug.

"Hi, Baby!" Mom walked up to smother her with love.

"H-hi," Y/n awkwardly walked up to greet her.

I furrowed my brows at the sudden shift in atmosphere. It seemed like both Y/n and Dani were acting a bit weird.

"It's alright. You two can greet each other with a kiss!" Mom tried to ease the tension.

Dani and Y/n looked at each other for a second, before Y/n said... "It's alright"... and walked back into the living room.

"Umm, okay... Well, just settle in and I'll make breakfast!" Mom seemed to understand what was going on better than I did.

"Okay!!" Dani's wide smile never faded.

- Danielle POV -

I was really worried about Y/n, so I decided to take a weekend trip home.

Y/n hadn't been telling me very many details when I asked how their day was, so I knew something was going on.

I was actually pleasantly surprised that Oli had come home for the weekend too. I didn't know what her intentions were for coming home, but I knew I could trust her to put my parents in their place if it was needed.

"Okay, Kids!" Mom was sweet enough to let us all eat in the living room instead of the dining table.

We all thanked her and ate our homemade breakfast like we had never eaten before in our lives.

Y/n had always eaten like that, but it seemed like a new thing for Me and Oli.

"AHAHHAAHHAHAHAH!!!" Y/n started abruptly laughing at the white and black screen in front of us.

I guess Olivia and Y/n had been fighting over the TV... and somehow... ended up watching a show from a century ago...

"I think you're dating an old person in a young person's body," Oli suddenly leaned over to whisper to me.

I watched as Y/n kept cackling at the show on the TV.

"I think you're right," I whispered back.

"Yaaahhhh!!" Y/n yelled in the most my mom way you could think of.

"I can hear you guys," Y/n began to pout.

"Awwwww," I squealed a bit.

I was excited to baby my baby a little and got up to cup Y/n's face.

I still didn't get why we were watching a black-and-white show that was probably 50 years older than we all were, but Y/n seemed to like it.

"Wait- her name is Olive?!" Oli suddenly exclaimed.

"Yeah, where do you think I got it from?!?" Y/n started to laugh.

"You've been calling me a bimbo this whole time?!" Oli started to get defensive.

"To be fair, Olive is not a bimbo. She's actually quite progressive," Y/n rebutted.

"Fine. Then you're Popeye. Eat your damn spinach!" Olivia suddenly threw a throw pillow at us.

"I can eat anything!!" Y/n yelled back.

Oli suddenly got quiet and whispered..., "I know."

"I remember when you were a kid and Dani used to make you sandwiches," Oli got all serious.

"I wasn't a kid-"

"I mean when you were 10 and used to hang around our house all hungry and stuff," Oli's mood suddenly changed.

"Dani didn't even know how to make Vegemite Sandwiches then, and it didn't seem like you even liked them... but you ate them anyway... you eat anything when you're hungry by the looks of it," Oli avoided any eye contact.

"What are you talking about?!" I chuckled a bit confused.

"I didn't do that!" I laughed.

"Do I?" I turned to ask Y/n.

"I remember everyone who feeds me," Y/n whispered.

My heart suddenly sank and my eyes went wide.

"Anyway, how about we go roller skating tonight?" Y/n started to change the subject.







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