After killing the first creep and the bodyguards The Vengeful Protectors went into room after room and killed every single pedophile that they could find. Some tried to fight back but with the combination of their quirks, fighting skills and their weapons they were no match, some tried to run away but they couldn't escape as The Vengeful Protectors were quicker and some tried begging for mercy but they just didn't give damn and killed as they laughed at their fear-filled faces.

And now it was time for the leader. When The Vengeful Protectors kicked down the door they saw the leader grinning evilly as he was folding his arms across his chest and a bunch of henchmen clearly ready to fight them.  The Vengeful Protectors figured that the leader would hear them and try to do something and he obviously decided to let others fight for them like a fucking coward.

"You might've been able to kill my colleagues and my bodyguards but you're good luck has fucking run out you brats cause my henchmen are gonna kill you." he said smugly with an evil grin.

But much to his and the henchmen's surprise The Vengeful Protectors started giggling in amusement. Which then turned into wicked laughter as they tossed their heads back. This sick in the head bastard really thought that this would fucking scare them? That was hilarious!!!!!!!!!

"Really you think that they will beat us?!!!!!!! Oh how funny is that." said Denki as he and the others wiped tears of laughter out of their eyes.

"Yeah to bad you have to go bye bye." Toru said as she pulled out two guns.

This made the leader and his henchmen growl in anger. How dare those fucking brats mock them and laugh at their faces!!!!!!

"You won't be laughing when they finish you off, ATTACK!!!!!!!" exclaimed the leader as he pointed to The Vengeful Protectors.

The henchmen charged at The Vengeful Protectors as they all screamed out in unison. They did everything that they could to try to take The Vengeful Protectors down but they could not succeed. The Vengeful Protectors were clearly more diligent and skillful. When it came to the last henchman he tried to escape but Dark Shadow grabbed him and pulled him closer to The Vengeful Protectors. And when he was Koji and Sato each stabbed him in the throat with knives. Then they all turned to the leader. The sick in the head asshole who made innocent children's lives a living breathing hell and tortured them in disgusting ways along with some othet gross as fuck freaks.

"You're next." Koji said as him and the others got up.

As they all slowly walked to towards him he got wide-eyed and started to back away which made them chuckle wickedly.

"Oh are you afraid of us asshole? Good you should be." said Shoto.

The leader was about to reach for his gun but Momo pulled a metal boomerang out of her forearm and threw at his right hand cause it was the one he was using it to get his gun. As it came towards him it sliced off his right hand which made him scream in pain. This made him panic even more as he began to moan in fear and back away faster which made wicked laughter erupt out of them as they walked even faster to him which made him keep falling to the ground over and over which made The Vengeful Protectors laugh even harder. Man seeing their targets just like this was hilarious.

While backing away the leader wasn't paying attention as he backed away to an open window and fell out of. When he held on for dear life but The Vengeful Protectors kneeled down and grinned wickedly at him.

"Well looks like where you meet your demise." Izuku said.

"What a shame we were having so much fun." said Momo mockingly.

"Now before you die tell us......" Mashiro said sternly.

"Where are the kids?" asked The Vengeful Protectors sternly.

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