Part 2

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"Millie, I need you to wake up. Come on girly." Kailani's voice is followed by the blaring of sirens on the road ahead. "The ambulance is here. Someone wave them down so they see the trailhead." We are so close to the road that I can see it behind Kailani. I could have gone one more mile. Why did I have to fail?

"Kailani, I don't feel very good." My head is pounding and the sky is way too bright.

"I know the baby, but the ambulance is almost here. You just need to stay still until they get to us okay? Can you do that for me?" I can hear her concern for me.

"Why did you call the ambulance? I don't want to take up their time just to peel me off the ground." I'll be fine, I just need some water so I can go home. Usually, I'm okay if I run in leggings and a sweatshirt in 50-degree weather. I guess today is just one of those days. Between Drew in the third hour, the hallway incident, and now this.

"Hello Millie, how are you feeling? I'm Pam, a paramedic and I need to get you on a stretcher." The nice lady named Pam and a few others load me onto a stretcher, get me secured, and head to the ambulance that is parked 20 feet away on the side of the road. Once I'm inside Kailani climbs in and the paramedics hook me up to some machines connected to the walls.

"Is there a family member that can meet her at the hospital?" Pam is talking to Kailani.

"Yes I have my phone, I'll call him." Oh, I hope it's not my parents. They always criticize me for things I do wrong.

After a 10-minute drive, we arrive at the hospital and they load me back out. Kailani is told to wait outside the room. The nurse takes over and starts asking me questions.

"Hi, I'm Nurse Amanda and my intern will be helping me today. I'm just going to ask you some questions while the intern gets you all set. Have you eaten anything today?"

Oh shoot I forgot to grab lunch, "I ate cereal and a banana for breakfast then a granola bar around noon."

"Any liquids today?" Nurse Amanda is writing stuff on the clipboard in her hand. The intern connected an IV with electrolytes and fluids and then stabbed my arm with a needle. He proceeds to stab me a few more times before Nurse Amanda just gets up with a grumbled "damn interns" to go grab a different needle and do it herself. "Sorry about that."

"It's alright. I drank some water during school." I filled it up this morning and only drank a third of it today.

"Do you have any headaches, dizziness, or seeing double?"

"I have a bit of a headache but otherwise I'm okay." I don't think I hit my head on the ground. But I also thought I could finish the run so...

 "I saw you had a little blood on your right temple from a small cut but we got it all cleaned up and it shouldn't be a problem. You don't have a concussion, which is amazing. So, you will be able to leave later today." She finishes writing something and before closing the door she says, "Your friend called a family member to come in. I will go see if they are here."

"Thank you so much Nurse Amanda and Mr. Intern." Oh, I hope Kailani didn't call my parents, they will be furious.

A knock on the door stops my spiraling train of thought. "Millie, can Matteo and I come in?"

"Yep, come on in." Thank goodness it's just Matteo and Kailani.

"Oh Topina, what happened? Kailani called me and I rushed here as fast as my car could go." I hope he wore his seat belt. "I also quickly grabbed extra clothes for you, in case you wanted to change."

"Thank you, Teo. I do want to change." With one knee on the bed, he hugs me with all his might. Then I feel his lips being pressed to the top of my head. He just kissed me. Holy moly.

Kailani, surprised, pipes up by the door, "I'll go get a nurse to discharge you."

"I was so worried about you. Why did you faint?" he finally releases me but holds onto my hand and sits by my legs.

"I just got too hot or something, it isn't a big deal. I'll be out of here soon." He looks at me with doubt in his eyes. But it changes into worry just a split second later.

The intern walks in with Kailani trailing behind him to disconnect me. The heart rate monitor goes flat, "I just died."

"Haha very funny, I hope you never die." Jokes Matteo.

The intern starts towards the door, "Just go to the front desk and you'll be done." How am I going to pay for this? I don't have much money, every paycheck is going toward college and I don't want my parents to spend money on my problems.

A simple "thanks" comes from Matteo. "Go get changed and we'll head to the desk."

"Hey, guys I need to leave to pick up my sister from school. One of the other girls brought my car over." She comes over to me for a hug and whispers, out of hearing range of Matteo, "Oh my god did he kiss your head? You better update me if anything else happens."

A quiet, "Yes he did, and yes I will," Escapes my lips as she pulls away, with an OMG look on her face. Out loud I say, "Sounds good, tell Kaina I said hi and give her a hug for me." She nods and leaves me with a still-concerned Matteo, "I'll go get changed quick."

He helps me get from the bed to the bathroom door, "Yell if you need anything."

Once the door is closed I strip everything except my undergarments. Sliding the giant sweatpants and t-shirt on. I have to roll the waistband a few times so they don't fall. I wash my hands and face then open the door to see Matteo up and ready to leave.

We head out of the room and get to the front door. The lady asked me for my name and if I had any insurance.

"Millie Cambel, and yes I have UCare." It should cover some of the cost but I'm not sure how I'll transfer money.

"Okay, the ending balance will be 638 dollars. How will you pay?" The lady was very visibly bored with a monotone voice.

Matteo takes one look at my panicked face, "I'll be paying." I don't protest because I know I can't pay. Somehow I'll pay him back once I work this weekend.

We get in his car and I turn to Matteo, "Thank you so much for paying. I'll get you the money back ASAP."

"You won't," He says as he starts the car.

"I will, this is my fault and I want to make it up to you and everyone who helped me." My stern voice comes out sounding more stubborn than I wanted.

"Fine, you can pay me by spending the whole weekend with me then." What. "Starting today, since it's Friday."

"Oh okay. I was thinking of just working this weekend to pay you. But I like your idea better." The dumb smile creeps its way across his face at my agreement.

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