Part 1

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"Millie hurry up!" Shoes, school bag, water bottle, check, check, and check. "I'm gonna leave without you!"

"No, wait. I'm coming." That's what she said, anyway. Matteo is driving me to school. My 2013 Nissan Altima is in the shop because of an engine problem. I don't know what that is but whatever, it's getting fixed where Matteo works.

He is standing there with the car door open, "You're lucky I tolerate you or I would've left without you."

"Yeah well, You're lucky I'm not mean."

"You don't have a mean bone in your little body, Topina."

"I don't even know what that means AND I told you not to call me that."

"Stop being difficult. Just get in the car."

"Yes, father dearest."

Matteo is grumbling again. But I shouldn't be surprised, it's an everyday occurrence. He is always glaring at someone. I'm glad I don't get glared at by him, it's scary when he's mad. Oh wait, he's always mad, never mind, he is just like a misunderstood pity. All bark and no bite.

Once we get in the car he buckles me in even though he knows I can do it myself the only problem is that he never puts his belt on, "Buck up buttercup. I don't want you to crash and die. I doubt your fancy Ford Mustang in the magnetic metallic color with red "guts" will stop your body from launching through the windshield at 30mph." I say this in a sarcastic know-it-all voice because I had to listen to him talk about this car for like two months after he bought it. Sometimes Matteo will find his little group of friends at the shop and just talk about cars all day. I didn't know how he could talk about one subject for hours and hours. But if he loves cars I love that for him.

I hear a faint click of a belt buckle after turning out of my neighborhood. Haha, I win. After the 15-minute ride, he finally parks in the front lot in our not-really-reserved-but-is spot. He says it's faster to get out of the parking lot but I think he gets cold walking any farther in the winter. 


Bringing Millie to school is amazing, I get to show off my car, and going together makes people stop flirting with her because they think we are in a relationship. I wish it were more of a formal boyfriend-girlfriend thing. So, this year for senior prom I'm going to ask her to be my girlfriend and date, I have a few months to plan so it will be perfect.

I always park closer to the entrance so she doesn't freeze her little butt off in the cold. But she doesn't have to know that. I notice everything when it comes to Millie, like the shivers and the rosy cheeks in the winters of Minnesota.

Rushing to the other side of the car I open the door for her. My mama and papa taught me how to be a gentleman to those who deserve it and an asshole to those who don't. She always says thank you and waits for me to lock the car, it never fails, she will be standing there patiently till I've locked the car.

I like Millie but I hate going to school, you win some and you lose some. We share the first hour of English and the second hour of math class, otherwise, we don't see each other until after the fourth hour. Then we can leave as we have most of our credits done to graduate high school.

My all-time favorite part of the day is when we are in the hallways and she grabs my shirt or my backpack to weave through people. The worst part is getting paired up with some other girl who isn't Millie. They always try to get something from me, whether it be sex, money, or a date, Millie says they hit on me because I'm a "pretty boy". Being paired with others doesn't affect Millie as much as me, she just gets along with everyone. Even in the halls, she says hi to every person she knows. Which is a lot of people.

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