Chapter 9 part two

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Sorry for the mixed up point of views but I'm writing this like 15 minutes before I'm gonna post it, so I don't really care

Arthur's POV:

I'm gonna get her a mana core. Ha ha ha, you guys should see the look on your faces, brat. But that's impossible. Not necessarily, all I gotta do is transfer my four elemental affinity mana into her. Do you know? Just watch, Tess. I need you to close your eyes and focus. Tell me when you see white little specs.

"I see them.""

Okay, I'm gonna need you to start pulling them together," I said, as I started adding a little bit of aether to fasten the process. Until, to my surprise, it worked magnificently. Shoot, it's about to blow, Gramps, RUN!

Verion's POV:

This brat, he really formed the little one's core. I can't thank him enough, not only saving her, but also helping her develop for her future. Not only that, but his monster skill, I'm truly terrified to see what you'll do, Arthur. Truly terrified.

The King's POV:

Me and my wife were just sitting there, minding our business, and then boom! We hear an explosion from the training room. My wife yells, "Isn't that where Tess is?" We warn our guards to stay back while they check, but we push to see our daughter at the center of the explosion. "Tessia, are you okay? Tessia!"Tessia's POV:Art was telling me he could give me a core. I was skeptical, but I always trust him. He's my best friend; of course, I would trust him. "Tess, I'm starting the process now." "Okay, I'm ready." I still feel warm in my sternum, and then suddenly, white sparkles everywhere. He tells me to try to make them closer, and then they do, and then my memory cuts out. Where am I? Te-Tessi-Tessia? "Father, what are you doing? Why is everything getting pulled towards me? Did it work?"

Arthur's POV:

"My, my, you're quite the interesting one. Descendants of the ancients, you'll be one fun one to play with. I hope we have many dances in the future."

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