Chapter 46-50

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Chapter 46

  Xie Heyu held Che Lizi in his arms, Yu Wen suddenly rushed over, and he had to raise one hand He stood up and listened slightly to Yu Wen's complaints.

  After listening, he glanced towards the living room. His good cultivation prevented him from saying anything. After being silent for a long time, he took out two cherries from the carton and put them to Yu Wen's mouth.

  "Try it."

  A great way to divert attention.

  Yu Wen didn't care whether he had washed it or not. He subconsciously opened his mouth. After eating, his expression was startled, and annoyance solidified dramatically on his face. After finishing the second piece, he licked his lips and said, "It's delicious."

  He hummed.

  Forgive the world.

  Xie Heyu's expression relaxed a little, and he seemed to be smiling. He went to the kitchen to wash the fruits. Yu Wen was so dazzled by the colorful wool on the floor that his eyes hurt, so he ignored it for the time being and followed him into the kitchen.

  But Xi Su didn't have the eyesight to see.

  "Thank you, Teacher! Thank you, Teacher!" He shouted, "Don't worry about anything else, save us first! Have you seen us? I'm here!"

  Teacher Xie turned a deaf ear.

  Five minutes later, Xie Heyu and Yu Wen were leaning against the kitchen door holding a bowl of washed cherries.

  "Save?" Xie Heyu asked.

  "No rescue." Yu Wen was as ruthless as the autumn wind, "Let them float in the sea of misery for a while."

  Xi Su was almost turned into a ball of fur, rolling around on the floor. Chu Han was quite at ease. His whole body was covered with wool. He lowered his head and hooked a new ball. He didn't know whether the hook was successful or not. Anyway, his expression was very serious, as if he was engaged in scientific research.

  After eating a bowl of cherries, Yu Wen felt happy. He finally picked up the scissors and stepped forward to cut the two of them out of the ball of yarn.

  There were ruins of wool all over the ground. Yu Wen sorted the ones that could be used and estimated that it would be enough. It would be no problem to hook a dozen or so.

  Xi Su, who finally escaped, was kicked by Yu Wen to clean the house.

  "Teacher Chu, don't bother." Yu Wen saw that Chu Han was still in a mess after hooking up for a long time, and said earnestly: "Don't waste your efforts in areas that you are not good at. With this time, we should hone our strengths..."

  "Ah?" Chu Han said in a daze: "I feel like I'm pretty good at it. Look, it's almost taking shape."

  Yu Wen: "..."

  "Teacher Xie, look, is the shape of the koi fish already formed? ."

  Xie Heyu glanced at his masterpiece and lowered his head with restraint.

  "...Okay." Yu Wen stuffed a whole ball of wool into his arms, "You continue, this ball is yours, thank you for your hard work."

  It is estimated that Chu Han's hooking method will not be able to hook a whole ball of wool in one night. .

  Then let him play.

  Xi Su finished cleaning the living room, ate the pancakes and fruits Xie Heyu brought, and washed a handful of cherries on his own. After finishing the cherries, he turned on the TV.

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