Chapter 34

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Zee: For the sake of Saint and his absolute safety... I'm going to end our relationship... (He says full of sadness)

Duangkamol: Holy shit... Zee... how can you say something like that? My son couldn't stand it... he needs you now more than ever (He says very dismayed)

Zee: I know that... I don't plan to tell him now, maybe later when he's better... but... I've already made my decision... it hurts my soul to have to do it, but that's it... or let him die... (He says very depressed)

Duangkamol: By any chance... does anyone else know?... (He asks very curious)

Zee: That's obvious, Sir... (He says laughing when he remembers the moment he said it to a certain omega)


Tommy: WHAT?!!! (He screams very surprised) Do you want to end your relationship with Saint?!! (He asks very annoying)

Zee: That's right Tommy... (He says very sad)

Tommy: I'm. Not. Going. To. Allow. That (He says very angry)

Zee: Why do you talk like that? (He asks strangely)

Tommy: Like what? (He asks annoyed)

Zee: "I'm. Not. Going. To. Allow. That." (He says imitating the omega's voice)

Tommy: Because it's the truth... P'Zee listen to me... you are aware of the emotional damage you are going to cause Saint? That doesn't seem fair to me at all... (He says very upset)

Zee: And does it seem fair to you that the next time you see N'Saint... all you see is a corpse in a coffin... lifeless... without his characteristic glow... without his beautiful smile ...without his essential... and that I am to blame for all that pain that he causes to all those who love him?... (He asks full of sadness) If it is true that Baifern is the one who has N' Saint and we rescued him... she won't stop until she finishes him off in order to have me... and now I live in fear of being the one to blame for Saint's beautiful life ending... (He says very sadly)

Tommy: I understand that P'Zee... but... you want to marry him... maybe making him your husband and taking him to live far away, Baifern won't be able to do anything to him... (He says trying to make the alpha of opinion)

Zee: Tommy... even if I manage to marry N'Saint... Baifern will try to hurt My Little Star as soon as I get distracted... (He says very stressed) So even if you try to convince me... you will achieve absolutely nothing... I'm so sorry, Tommy... (He says sadly and leaves, leaving the omega alone)

End of Flashback

Duangkamol: You are very stubborn... that's something you and Saint have a lot in common... (He says very sadly)

Zee: Thank you for the compliment, Sir... (He says very depressed) I'm going to start from today... I'm going to distance myself from him little by little... forgive me Sir... (He says very distressed)

Duangkamol: I really admire the way you love my son... you put his life and his happiness above yours... I don't know if you are very noble... or very stupid... (He says with a voice full of sadness)

Zee: I choose the second, Sir... see you later... (He says dejectedly and leaves the hospital)

During the next few days Saint recovered little by little, Jimmy and Tommy, at Zee's request, did not take their eyes off Baifern, they feared that she would do something to the young omega, but there was something worse, because the older alpha had not put one foot in the hospital during all those days and that made the omega very sad, since the only thing he received from his boyfriend were flowers, gifts or chocolates, but that was not what he wanted, what he wanted most was his Bear Koala to fill him with kisses and hugs:

Saint: He didn't come today either... (He says very sad)

Tommy: No... but... he gave me this for you... (He says with a smile and gives his friend an envelope with a letter)

"My beloved Little Star:

According to what Tommy told me, today you are leaving the hospital and I was very happy to hear your progress... but my reason for writing you this letter is another... perhaps you are wondering why I have not been to see you all the time you have been in the hospital and the answer is very simple and very painful... you know how much I love you, but since I came into your life, you have been at risk many times and many bad things have happened to you: your important papers were torn up, you fell down the stairs, you almost got run over, you almost got poisoned and now someone kidnapped you... and I don't want the day to come and I have to be the one to hand your body over to your parents... so... Saint Suppapong Udomkaewkanjana, I'm going to break up with you... and it's not because I don't love you, but because I love you and I would die if something were to happen to you... forgive me N'Saint... I hope you can find someone that if I manage to protect you like I never could...

I love you... P'Zee.

Saint: It can't be... (He says while crying too much)

Tommy: What's going on? (He asks very worried)

Saint: P'Zee broke up with me... through a letter... through a damn letter... (He says without stopping crying)

Let the drama begin, Ladies and Gentlemen

Hello my beloved readers, I don't know if I'm crazy or what, but sometimes I get vibes that the ZaintSee is still together, but hidden, it sounds impossible, but if I listen to the theory that I have created in my head, you will understand me. Thank you for reading, don't forget to vote and comment, God bless you, I LOVE YOU!!!💛💜💛💜

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