Day 0 - Character Information

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About Jason:

23 yo, Black hair with a white streak, Eyes that change color, Werewolf

Spirit's Boyfriend

Evan's Twin, Carl's Best friend, Christina's mutual friend, Leaf's frienemy

Teleportation, Bloodlust😭, Growth

Prince, Actor, and Model

Part of the Koldreas Royal Family - King Ash (Father), Queen Sofia (Mother/Deceased), Prince Evan (Twin Brother), Princess Zaiya (Younger half-sister), Laura(Aunt/Twin of Oliver), Oliver (Uncle/Twin of Laura)

About Spirit:

21 yo, Black hair with purple streak, Brown and White eyes, Werewolf

Jason's Girlfriend

Evan's brother's girlfriend, Zaiya's best girl, Christina's friend since the beginning, Leaf's bestfriend, Carl's communicator for Jason

Teleporting, Access to Hell

Princess, Bartender

Part of the Kamijo Royal Family - Aleph (Father), Damien (Brother)

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