Day 3 - A Day Out

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(As the sun rose again, a new message from Leaf was sent to Spirit's phone.)

Leaf's Message: Girl ;-; I got drunk last night... Apparently, Evan wasn't too happy about it and started cursing... I think I'm corrupting him.

Spirit: It's too early for this. (She mumbled. Jason grumbled, adjusting his position in the bed. The chain on his collar made noise as he moved.)

(Spirit looked over at Jason with her sleepy eyes. She rubbed his strong chest as she drifted back to sleep.)

(Jason groaned as he slept; the chain on his collar made noises as he constantly adjusted his position.)

(Another message was sent to Spirit's phone.)

Leaf's Message: Hi, Spirit! Sooo Leaf got drunk again, and I had to take her phone away... Anyways, hope your week has been good so far - Evan.

Spirit's Message: You need to make sure she doesn't drink anymore while she's with you. Everything has been good. Jason is sleeping right now.

(Spirit then puts her phone down on the nightstand. Letting out a sigh of relief before she turned back to Jason, who was still sleeping.)

Spirit: You're so adorable when you're sleeping. I wish you could sleep like this without me having to be present.

(Jason groaned as the cold chain hit his chest. The coldness made him flinch, making him try and grab something to keep him warm. He ended up grabbing Spirit and cuddling with her as if she were a pillow.)

(A few hours later, they were wide awake and dressed as if they were going out. They were.)

Spirit: Jason, where are we going? You got me to wear a dress and everything. Wait, why aren't you out of the room yet?

(Jason slowly stepped out of the room and was dressed very well, leaving Spirit speechless.)

Spirit: W-wow...I thought you didn't like suits.

Jason: I...wanted to match your dress. (He said nervously as he put his glasses on his face. He then walked towards Spirit, looking her directly in the eyes. He leaned down towards her ear.) I want to take you somewhere special today, princess. Is that so wrong? (He whispered to her teasingly.)

Spirit: There's nothing wrong with it at all. I just—(She felt a shiver down her spine as Jason traced her body. He then stopped and grabbed her hand, gesturing to walk together.)

Jason: It looks nice outside today. Do you want to do something else before we eat later?

Spirit: Mall ti—

Jason: No malls. I'm still a prince, y'know. People would easily recognize me there. How about a clothing store that's not in a plaza?

Spirit: ...Ok, oh look, let's go to that store! (She pointed to a store on one of the main streets in the city.)

Jason: Ok, that's way safer. Let's go then.

(After shopping for a while, they asked Carl to come take their bags home while they were going to eat.)

Carl: Oh? Jason, are you on a date tonight? I mean, you went all ou—

Jason: You...mind your own business! (He fussed as he was shoving Carl into the car.)

(Eventually, Carl left. Jason let out a sigh of relief and looked at Spirit, who was giggling. He grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him.)

Jason: C'mon, we're going to be late if we don't hurry, princess.

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