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Full Name: Sara [REDACTED]
Prefers to be called: Sara
Nicknames/Alias: Missus Curtis Jr, Sar', Darry's Girl, my bitchass older sister (By her lil brother Evan, whose dead btw)
Age: 20
Face Card:
Best Friend: A girl named Liane that went to England to study abroad for college
Lover/Crush: Darry and her have been going on strong for a good 3 years (unless your oc is in love w him, in that case she's also abroad with Liane.)
Voice Claim: https://youtu.be/KwKJxpzOUxA?si=Icml8IPNdFN_44Xh
Lola from shark tale
Mini Backstory(optional):
Family: Dad (whom she's no-contact with, when she moved abroad/got married to Darry, she got a restraining order), Evan (brother, deceased from an OD)
Scars/marks/birthmarks?: weirdly shaped scars on her back.
Relationship with Darry: Classic Cheerleader-Football Quarterback dynamic, except their actually a cute little couple <3
Relationship with Soda: They're legit in the same boat, they get both sides of stuff yk
Relationship with Ponyboy: She basically became his Mother figure after Mrs. Curtis died, she gets ranted to about stuff at school, girls, heartbreak, etc from him.
Relationship with Johnny: Thinks he's a sweet boy, doesn't really talk to him all that much
Relationship with Dally: Sara is defo his emotional support adult, poor Sara is his emergency contact.
Relationship with Steve: On occasion he helps her with things, and occasionally she helps him with stuff.
Relationship with Two-Bit: He respects her too much to hit on her, even though, according to a list he made in his head, she looks like she'd be awesome in bed (he's asked Darry and the answer is always "why the fuck do you wanna know that?" she thinks he's a riot, she buys him beer on occasions, baked veggies into some chocolate cake and he didn't notice so she's taking this as a win.
Relationship with Cherry/Marcia: Cherry never met her, Marcia thinks Sara is a legend.

Relationship with Bob/Randy:
"Yo Mami where my hug at sweetheart?" -B
"Leave her alone Bob" -R
"Where yo parents at?" -S
"Huh?" -B
"Where yo girlfriends at?" -S
"I think you should sit down guys" -Soc friend #1
Relationship with Tim/Curly/their gang: They love her, she helps them after rumbles/getting jumped/violence/etc, she also on occasion brings them cookies and helps them with their math skills to make sure they're not getting scammed.

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