🍦Evangeline Winston 🍦

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Full Name: Evangeline Mary Winston
Prefers to be called: Angie, Ang'
Nicknames/Alias: A+W, 'nilla (play on Vanilla, Two-But gave it to her when they met and he said she smelt like vanilla, to which Angie replied 'boy wtf are you on rn??')
Age: 14
Face Card: ☝️
Best Friend: Cherry Valance, Marcia, Ponyboy
Lover/Crush: Ponyboy (the love triangle is crazy bc Cherry doesn't like him and Angie likes him, but he likes Cherry, and Cherry and Angie are besties frfr)
Voice Claim: https://youtu.be/aRc7-rZ2XDo?si=qvxs5WRuuYIyDCDR
Tiny Tina from Borderlands
Mini Backstory(optional): Think Lolita, the book and the song by lana
Family: Dallas (older brother), Ellie (sister)
Scars/marks/birthmarks?: Scars on her upper thighs
Relationship with Darry: She's so scared of this man, she's only met him once when Ellie brought her to her work once and she's terrified.
Relationship with Soda: She thinks he's okay, enjoys humbling him on occasion
Relationship with Ponyboy: They met on a World Geo project, they were from wildly different friend groups and found out that they had a few friends in common and now they hang out more often lol

Relationship with Johnny: Knows him b/c of Dally and Ellie, talks to him when neither of them are around, it's mostly small talk tbh
Relationship with Dally: her big brother, she legit looks like a younger female version of him, but their total opposites-
Relationship with Steve: He thought she was 16 when he met her, was shocked to find that she was barely 14, Dallas almost beat his ass when he started talking about "the sixteen-ish hot broad who looked just a little too much like you"

"......Steve that's his sister, and she's 14...." - Two-Bit

"she's 14??" - Steve

"See what's gonna happen is now I have to beat your ass, that's how it works-" - Dallas

Relationship with Two-Bit: Besties frfr, he comes over to her house and drinks beer, gets drunk, and teaches her life lessons. Highkey-Lowkey knows her entire life story, along with that he's her emotional support adult bc she has no parents-

Relationship with Cherry/Marcia: Best friends, Cheerleaders
Relationship with Bob/Randy: Hung out with them a few times, when the storyline went down she felt like she stood in the middle of a war where nobody would hit her but nobody dragged her to one side or the other, no one would tell her anything. Randy did end up filling her in the night of the Rumble, she sat there and sobbed for a good ten minutes, he sat in a knowing silence.

Relationship with Tim/Curly/their gang: born to hate gangs, forced to sit at the shepard's place while they run drugs to her brother.

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