🧁Dorothy Ann🧁

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Full Name: Dorothy Ann Jameson
Prefers to be called: Dottie
Nicknames/Alias: Dot, Cupcake, Dottie-Ann, DJ(don't call her that, she'll flip out)
Age: 17
Face Card: ☝️
Best Friend: Ellie, Betty, Fionna
Lover/Crush: Depends on the rp
Voice Claim: https://youtu.be/I5BUKirBSk8?feature=shared
Huntress Wizard from Adventure Time
Mini Backstory(optional):
Family: Mom (Ruby), Ali (Dad), Zoë (2-year-old sis)
Scars/marks/birthmarks?: N/A
Relationship with Darry: Their not friends, but both of them and Tim have an inside joke where they act like super seniors with eachother b/c he hangs out with highschoolers and she has remedial math currently b/c she flunked her sophomore math class.
Relationship with Soda: She stops by the DX to wait for Ellie to get off of work, he tried flirting with her and got immediately humbled
Relationship with Ponyboy: They have a small book club together where they get off topic and accidentally end up gossiping
Relationship with Johnny: He hangs with her friend group so on occasion they join forces and become a duo when Bett, Ellie, or Fionna isn't there.
Relationship with Dally: They used to date, she broke up with him, they act like their on bad terms but after Ellie forced them to hang out they learned that they really just did it so the other would apologize first. Now their friends (with occasional benefits)
Relationship with Steve: She humbled him so quickly when he walked up to her with a cheesy ahh pick up line.
Relationship with Two-Bit: Depending on the to their either friends or she thinks he's a bitch
Relationship with Cherry/Marcia: Doenst know whomst tf they are, Marcia and her were friends in elementary school and forgot eachother over time.
Relationship with Bob/Randy: She knew Randy a little, beat his ass after she found out that he tried to drown her buddy. Never knew Bob, like Ellie, she was kind of left in the dark on the topic of his death.
Relationship with Tim/Curly/their gang: Tim and her don't know eachother well enough, but the inside joke still stands. His gang (+ lil bro) think she's The Shit™️ for being sorta close with Tim.

"Hey Lover!" An Outsiders Roleplay BookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora