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SCHOOL HAD NEVER ACTUALLY BEEN A MAIN PRIORITY FOR EVIE IN HER LIFE because she was pretty sure it was just useless. Evie barely passed classes and had gotten plenty of detentions within her first week in school for absences. It was rare for her to even be sighted near a classroom. She stopped caring at age eleven, when her father started drinking again. Evie stopped caring when she realised her father wasn't behind her anymore, she was on her own.

The only thing that truly mattered to her was Milo, her sweet baby brother. God forbid anything horrible would ever happen to an angel like her brother. The only thing that ever seemed to matter to her was the one person she had always been able to count on. She remembered when she used to babysit him whilst her dad was out getting himself wasted. She remembered singing lullabies and explaining to Milo that it was just mere work that kept out their father so late.

Evie her feet tripped down the stairs quickly as her hand tightly clutched onto her bag which only hung on one side of her shoulders. Her feet colliding with the solid materials making a soft echoing sound as the music blasted through her headphones. The Smiths was blaring through her drums as she entered the building, scavenging for her locker at the end of the hall.

"Under the iron bridge we kissed.." She hummed along with the lyrics as the melody rung through her ears. 'Still Ill' by The Smiths blasted through the black Sony headphones. It was her first week into her new school, the unfortunate reason of her having to leave her only friend Kaiyo behind because people were catching on to the countless of bruises showing up on her body whenever they caught her father out with a bottle of whiskey. She remembered when her heart broke at the sight of Kaiyo, standing there with a defeated smile as tears streamed down his face, knowing why she left, knowing he failed to save her.

The broken house, with poorly painted frames with broken pieces of glass shattered all around their once cozy living room that used to be filled with books and cartoon based stuffed animals. Evie didn't know how all of it could have gone this wrong, and it pained her through her heart, knowing she could do nothing. Watching her brother run into her room sobbing with new bruises, knowing she was supposed to get the next beating.

"And even though I ended up with.. sore-" She abruptly cut herself off a she let out a shriek that echoed through the halls. In front of her stood a face she knew all too well. "Ka- Kaiyo what the fuck are you doing here?!" She exclaimed as she regained her breath. Some eyes immediately looked at her which caused her enough embarrassment. The black haired just merely gave her a wicked grin which made her wonder if she really wanted to know.

"Transferred schools!" He exclaimed. "I have a grandma who lives here so I'm staying here and visit my parents on the weekend.. I said it was because our school was distracting me and I needed a fresh start." He explained which caused her to look at him as if he was out of his mind.

"I.. I would scold you, normally. But, thank you.. honestly I was actually beginning to miss you." She lightheartedly explained with a sly grin om her lips. Kaiyo grinned, his ego now most definitely got a boost.

"What class you got? I have.." Kaiyo paused as he tried to remember what subject he had but it did not really seem to comprehend into his brain. "I don't actually know, I'll just follow you." He mindlessly spoke.

Evie rolled her eyes, grabbing the time table that was thoroughly crumbled, out of the side of its bag where normally a water bottle would be placed. She gripped it and whacked him on the head.

"Hey-! Oh my time table!"

The girl chuckled and scanned over the hours and classes. "You've got.. Biology with me!" She stated, they locked eyes immediately and grins spread across each others faces. Back in Westmore they always had classes together, except for chosen curriculars, Evie decided on advanced placed architecture whilst Kaiyo had chosen music.

"Lets see.. Umh, I don't actually know where it is.."

"Well want to ask around?" Kaiyo suggested, Evie whined. "You're asking around, just so you know."

"Course I am."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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