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Amora's eyes opened as she stared at the Hospital Wing ceiling. She looked around to see everyone who was petrified also getting up. She looked over to see Hermione getting up and said, "We're fine Hermione. We're unpetrified." Hermione nodded, Madame Pomfrey walked over to the girls and said, "Here you go Ms. Granger and Ms. Lupin. Your uniforms are ready for you, and you can head down to the great hall for dinner." Amora and Hermione got dressed in their new uniforms and headed down to the great hall. "Hermione, Amora. Welcome back." The two girls looked at Sir Nicholas and said, "Thanks, Sir Nicholas." They both looked to the Gryffindor table where Neville pointed the boys over to them. Amora and Hermione ran over to them, giving the boys the biggest hug. "Welcome Back, Hermione. Amora." Amora looked over at the Slytherin table seeing Draco giving him a small smile when Harry said, "Well, we had load of help from you and Mora." That's when they heard clinking from Dumbledore's cup making Amora go to the Hufflepuff table.

"Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madame Pomfrey. Whose Mandrake juices helped so successfully heal all who had been petrified." Everyone cheered for the two as Cedric held Amora making her giggle. "Also, in light of the recent events. As a school treat, all exams have been canceled." Everyone cheered as Amora said, "Thank Merlin. I would've definitely failed." Cedric laughed.

That's when the great hall doors opened. In came Hagrid when he said, "Sorry, I'm late. The owl that delivered my release papers was lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." This made Amora look over to Ron who seemed sheepish as Hagrid stopped in front of the Trio. "And I'd just like to say that. If it hadn't been for you Harry, and Ron, and Hermione." Then Hagrid looked at the Hufflepuff table and said, "And Amora." Amora had tears in her eyes as Hagrid continued to say, "I would uh. I would still be you know where." Amora got up walking over to the Gryffindor table as Hagrid looked down at her. "There's no Hogwarts without you Hagrid."

Amora said to Hagrid, making Harry nod. Both hugged Hagrid, making him tear up. Dumbledore stood up and started to clap and behind him was the Professor and all the students and it was a standing ovation. For all who loved Hagrid. 


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Rip Robbie Coltrane

Amora Lupin and the Salazar Snakeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن