Filthy Mudblood

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Hermione, Ron, and Amora were out in the courtyard since Harry had quidditch practice. They were studying for their tests, and exams. Then Amora looked up to see the Slytherin's and Gryffindor's talking to each other. "Something smells trouble." Ron said, as the trio walked up to see what was happening. Amora walked over to hear Oliver reading a letter by Professor Snape. "Who is your new seeker? From what I've heard you weren't looking for a new seeker." The Slytherins parted ways to show Draco in a Slytherin Quidditch uniform. Amora was not going to lie but he was very attractive in this uniform. Then Ron said, "Those are Nimbis 2001's. Where did you get those?" Amora looked at them more closely and said, "Those haven't even come out yet either." Draco smirked as Marcus Flint eyed Amora and said, "A gift from Draco's father." Amora didn't like how Flint said that when Draco said, "You see, Weasley, unlike some. My father can afford the best."

Hermione then said, "At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in by pure talent." Draco glared at Hermione and said, "No one asked for your opinion. You filthy little mudblood." Everyone was disgusted hearing this, but Harry seemed confused and as Amora was grabbing her wand Ron said, "You'll pay for that Malfoy. EAT SLUGS!" But the spell backfired as he flew onto his back making them run toward Ron. "You ok, Ron?" Amora asked. He didn't answer and Hermione said, "Say something." Ron started to puke slugs as Colin Creevey started to take photos and looked at Harry. "Harry, can you turn it around?" Harry shook his head and said, "Out of the way Colin. We need to take him to Hagrid. He'll no what to do." Amora looked over at the Slytherin's and said, "Be there in a moment."

She walked over to the Slytherins making Draco smile. "Were you impressed Mora?" The Slytherin chuckled but was quickly interrupted as Amora punched Draco in the nose. She started to walk away as she said, "Think long and hard Draco. This might be your last chance to reconcile with me."

She arrived at Hagrid's as Hermione said, "He called me a mudblood." Hagrid was shocked by this and said, "He did not?" Harry still seemed confused and said, "What's a mudblood?" Amora hugged Hermione as she said, "It means dirty blood Harry. Anyone without magical parents is considered one. Your mother Lily would've been called one by Slytherins. It's something that should never be spoken of." Hagrid nodded and held his hand out to Hermione and said, "Don't you think of it. Not one bit." Hermione nodded, as the group hugged each other. 


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