Dueling Club

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"Again." Hermione asked in the girls bathroom as she and Amora were making the potion. "You mean the Chamber of secrets has been opened before." Amora said. Ron leaning against one of the bathroom stalls. "Of course. Don't you see. Lucius Malfoy must've opened it while he went to school here." Amora shook her head and said, "My father has told me all about his years here. He would've told me about the Chamber of Secrets. Like how Aunt Molly and Uncle Arthur would've told you and your siblings. Everyone would've knew about it already." Hermione looked at Amora then back at Ron and said, "We'll have to wait for the polyjuice to know for sure." Ron then said,

"Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of the girls bathroom. Don't you think we'll get caught." Amora giggled and said, "No one comes in here. Well, except for me of course." This made Ron confused as Amora said, "My friend Moaning Myrtle lives here. No one has the courage to be friends with her." Myrtle comes out making Ron shiver from her.

It was the day of the duel club. Their was a huge walkway as Gildroy stood onto and started to speak. "Gather around! Gather round." Amora rolled her eyes. She didn't realized that she was across from Draco. "Can every body see me? Can anyone hear me? In light of the dark events of recent weeks. Professor Dumbledore has granted me to start this duelling club. To train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I have done myself coutless of times. For full details see my published works." He took his cape off and threw it to Amora but she sneakily gave it to some other girl as she thanked her. Justin Finch-Finchley introduced himself then said, "Could you introduce me to Amora. You good friends with her of course." "Let me introduce my assistant. Professor Snape."

Snape walked up the cat walk as he explained what was happening. The demostration as Amora whispered to Hermione. "10 Galleons that Snape shows Lockhart what he is made off." Hermione nodded as they watched what happed. Let's just say Hermione had to give Amora 10 Galleons. The demostration went onto Harry and Ron but changed to Harry and Draco and after Draco sent a snake as it slithered. It went over to Amora as she stood in fear and Draco looked at Snape as Harry was speaking Parsletongue. Snape killed the snake and had Draco take her to the hospital wing. 


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