Then I heard the words, "Grandpa! Grandma!"

Sam and I looked into the hallway where the front door would be and we could see Noah with Sam's parents. It's just them. Anthony isn't here yet and that's alright. He takes his time when it's family events.

"I love the excitement." Daniel smiled, picking up Noah and tickling him.

"He's been excited about seeing you two." Sam giggled.

"It has been awhile since we've seen him." Amanda said.

"Blame work, that's all I will say." Daniel said.

I just laughed, hearing their conversation.

"How's work?" I asked Daniel as he passed Noah to Amanda and then she started being in a conversation with Sam.

"You would think the dealership wouldn't be so busy now." He huffed, when we went to the kitchen, "With constant talks with Anthony about how he wants to work there, I can't help but think that he should do something that he really wants to do."

"But maybe he does want to work in the dealership."

"I know he does but he's only 22. He doesn't need to rush about finding his footing. He can enjoy life and do college."

"And college is going well for him?" I questioned.

"He is smart, that's for sure." Daniel praised his son.

"Are you guys talking about me?" We heard a voice.

Daniel and I turned to the direction of the voice and we see Anthony there, a grin on his face as he's in jeans and then a white and blue shirt.

"Yes, we were." I confirmed.

"Dad likes to talk about me whenever he gets the chance." Anthony grinned, coming over to Daniel and I.

"I'm proud of you, son."

"I know you are, dad."

"So, Anthony, I hear you want to work at LaRusso Auto."

"Yeah, I do." He said, "I know my dad can be stressed sometimes so I do want to help him out. He lets me but he only gives me about three to four hours. I do want more hours."

"You don't need more hours, Anthony. We've been over this."

"When it's summer, then can I have more hours?"

"If that's what you want, then fine."

"Okay, enough talk about work.." Anthony said, "Let's talk about my future niece that's about to be born in a few months. How is the pregnancy going with Sam?"

"I think it's going well for the most part." I answered, "Sam and I like to talk to Freya before we head to bed and she seems to be comfortable. But I always worry about her when she gets pain."

"Pregnancy takes over a lot." Daniel looked at me.

"It does." I nodded. "But Sam is tough and I know that she's excited to meet our little girl."

"Glad to hear that." Anthony beamed.

"Hey, Eli. Is the salad ready?" Sam then asked, entering the kitchen.

Amanda entered the kitchen behind Sam, still holding Noah as his head would be on his grandma's shoulder.

"Yeah, it's ready."

"Then I'm pretty sure that dinner is done. Let me set the table and can you take the chicken out?"

"Yes, I will."

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