Chapter 15: Cold Heart

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*Sam's P.O.V*

I can't tell what's colder.

Was it the weather because it's still winter or is it Hawk's heart because man, he really showed how cold-hearted he is.

It's like his heart turned to ice and he had to lash the coldness into words and completely destroyed me with them.

That's why I'm done.

I'm done with this whole thing. I'm done with Hawk.

Why did I even listen to Demetri? The way he assured me that Hawk will be happy to see me and it was the complete opposite.

But it's not entirely his fault, he didn't know.

So here I am, sitting in a lounge chair that's on the front porch in front of my house. I couldn't muster up the energy to go inside so I stayed here to be by myself.

Since if I stayed here, no one would know that I've been crying.

I feel so stupid that I shouldn't even be crying. I should've known that Hawk would never want to be with me.

Stupid tears for stupid Hawk. This is ridiculous.

I used my hand to wipe away the tears so that I can finally go inside my house to lay down and take a nap. I just want to get away from the world right now.

But it didn't work because the tears kept coming.

As I kept sobbing, my phone went off multiple times.

Which meant someone is messaging me.

When I checked my phone, my heart dropped as I saw who the person was.

Hawk: Please answer me.

Hawk: Please let me explain.

Hawk: I didn't mean to be so harsh on you. I didn't mean what I said.

Hawk: Can you please give me the chance to make it up to you?

I rolled my eyes at the last message. How would he make it up to me?

Then after the messages, he tried calling me.

Is he serious?

The phone calls kept coming and it was starting to get on my damn nerves. I tried to ignore the calls because I wasn't in the mood to answer them. I didn't feel like wanting to listen to his explanations about how he acted when I was at his house with Demetri.

Wasn't he the one that wanted distance?

Now it seems like he's forgetting all about that.

The calls stopped coming for a few minutes and I let out a sigh of relief. But then they started up again.

I'm tired of this.

I grabbed my phone and then answered Hawk.

"Listen, Hawk, I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now." I snapped.

"This isn't Hawk." The voice said. "It's Miguel."

I froze as I realized the voice. I feel so taken back at the moment. I completely thought that it'll be Hawk because he has been nonstop calling me for five minutes. I wasn't expecting Miguel on the other side of the phone call.

"I'm so sorry, Miguel." I apologized, "I thought you were Hawk."

"It's okay. Even though, I'm confused. Why do you not want to talk to Hawk?"

Even though I'm mad at Hawk, I'm still keeping the movie night a secret so I'm not going to say a thing about it.

"It's nothing." I shook my head even though he couldn't see it.

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