Chapter 4- From Dusk 'til Dawn

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I groaned under my breath and twisted under the covers

"Hey... Song Hye-Jin... never ever let me drink again or I might-" I paused when I slowly opened my eyes and a sense of horror crept into my body.
Walls painted in midnight blue, charcoal black silk bedsheets, a window by the bed with a desk in front of it, and a bookshelf next to it with books like The Innovator's Dilemma and The Lean Startup on it.
This is not my room.

My eyes were still wide open and I was still in half shock trying to process what exactly was happening.
I immediately lifted the covers but let out a sigh of relief when I found that I was still dressed completely.

"Where the fuck-"

I was interrupted by a voice. My head immediately turned in that direction and there I was met with that piercing gaze again.
Those eyes and that gaze that I hadn't seen in three months
Life was so peaceful then.

"This is hell. Welcome to hell" He said taking a sip of whatever was in the cup that he was holding

"Then you must be Satan" He chuckled at my reply

"I prefer the name Lucifer, Mi Querida. It sounds sexier" I rolled my eyes at his reply

"One, don't call me that. Second, what the fuck am I doing wherever the fuck I am right now"

"One, I don't take orders from you. Second, show some respect. This is my house and your hell... Mi Querida" He said while walking towards me before he sat on the bed next to me. I scooted away from him which only made him chuckle.

"I don't bite, Mi Querida..." He said, "... Oh and you might want to cancel that order... I don't think you'll be able to do it after today"

I was confused. What was he trying to say?
He seemed to have understood that I was confused

"Check your phone"

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and opened it. I started going through every app trying to figure out what he meant. My search did not last long because the moment I opened Amazon... I got the second shock of the morning.

"72 PACKS OF TISSUE PAPER WHAT THE-" I scrolled further down, "I SPENT 173007.72 WON ON TISSUE PAPER?!?!" I turned my head in his direction as if he had the answers that I was looking for

"Like I said, you are a threat to the nation" I rolled my eyes yet again

Just then I remembered. I immediately checked and it was half past 8. Hye-Jin should be awake by now and am sure she'll demand answers when I go back now. What excuse will I make? I stayed at the bakery? Nope, she won't buy it. Uh... friend's place? But which friend? I don't have any friends other than her here. How about...

"Ms. Yoo Ji-Eun?" 


"I thought you were in a trance" Is he always this annoying? 

"Fuck, I need..." I got off the bed and grabbed my purse off the floor, "... to leave now...." I headed to the door but stopped in front of it and turned around to face him, "Thank you for your help last night... and uh... don't do it again... I hope we don't see each other for another three months" 

"You wish," he thought 

I left the room and started wandering around his penthouse trying to find the door that would lead me out. His penthouse was enormous... sure he doesn't live alone.
I let out a sigh of relief when I finally found the main door and I rushed down as fast as I could.
I typed the passcode on the door and slowly opened the door. After taking a quick peek inside, I slowly walked inside.  Entrance clear.

"Hye-Jin~," I said while taking baby steps and walking around the house, "Song Hye-Jin~" I slowly opened the bathroom and kitchen doors simultaneously but she was not there. I then made my way to her bedroom and opened the door with a creak but she was not there.
Okay, now I am confused.
Where the hell is this girl?

Just then I heard the door being unlocked. I immediately rushed to the living room.


"No! I went out to uh... get groceries!"

"In yesterday's clothes? Quit lying"

"Fine. Yes, I am returning home now because... I passed out yesterday"


"I mean..." she paused but then continued, "... drinks... I had a few drinks and I passed out in the vanity van so I slept there... I woke up in the morning and came here as soon as I could" 
I was somehow convinced by what she said but not completely convinced because the Song Hye-Jin I knew would never do something so careless... especially when she was on set.

"But... did you come home now too? You are wearing the same clothes that you wore yesterday" she questioned

"Uh... I came home late yesterday and fell asleep in these...." She narrowed her eyes, "... I had a few drinks too" She nodded at my reply. She was convinced... I think. 
I let out a sigh of relief
There is no way she or anyone can know what happened.


Typing on the keyboard of my laptop, I took a sip of coffee that Hye-Jin had made, and as expected, it tasted great. I could never get enough of the coffee she makes. The sun had set and the sky had a beautiful orange color. The view of Myeongdong from the living room was somehow calm and soothing. 
Hye-Jin had been rehearsing her lines in her room but now she was sitting with me in the living room, scrolling through her phone. I had been busy with the remaining last-minute work about the bakery as we were all set up to be opened next week. 

"NO WAY!" I flinched when Hye-Jin yelled out of nowhere. Even though I had my headphones on while blasting Seventeen's Super, I could clearly hear her scream. 

"YOU SCARED ME!" I yelled back

"Hey! Hey! Come here! Big news!" I took off my headphones and sat next to her on the sofa 

"This is the first time there has been an article about Jeong jaehyun's personal life... it's even trending" 


"Yes. This happened yesterday, apparently, he was seen on the streets with a girl whom he probably took to his house later..." My eyes slightly widened. No way, it is what I am thinking "... there are even pictures attached" I snatched her phone and scrolled all the way to the photos

And there it was... our pictures... from last night on the streets

Jaehyun's POV:

I chuckled as I scrolled down the article. "CEO of Iris&co.'s secret girlfriend? Is CEO J trying to give us a hint about his private life for the first time?"

"Geez, why do they have to make everything so dramatic?" I said to myself and scrolled further down to the photos. Whoever took the photos was either following me or just happened to be there. The second option sounds too simple so I'll go with the first one.
I was interrupted by a knock on my door

"Come in" 

"Sir" Secretary Shin made his way into the room and bowed 


"We found out who wrote the article. Should we take it down?"

I took a glance at the article before looking back at Secretary Shin

"No..." I smirked, "... Let it stay for a while" 

End of POV

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