Chapter 2- Mi Querida

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Well... this is going to be interesting. 

He was on the sofa, right across from me with his secretary next to him who was reviewing the lease. Hye-Jin was in the kitchen making her signature cold coffee. Yes, it's just cold coffee but I don't what she adds in it that it just tastes so much more different and yummier than any of the other cold coffees I've had. She just wouldn't tell me the recipe. 

I shifted my eyes from the kitchen towards him. He was looking at me. His signature piercing stare. But I was not going to let him make me feel intimidated... so I stared back. I squinted my eyes at him hoping to look more intimidating but I knew it didn't work. As for him, he didn't even need to do anything. Just his normal stare was intimidating enough.
But like I said... I will not let him intimidate me. at. any. cost. 

"Coffee is here" Hye-Jin interrupted us before we could burn a whole in each other's face 

I sat up straight in my seat and reached out to one of the four glasses that were kept on the table. And coincidentally... or should I say intentionally... he went for the same glass. 
Okay... now he was asking for a fight.
I don't care if he refuses to rent this apartment to us... I'd rather lose this apartment than lose a fight with him.

"I know what you are thinking so... STOP!" Hye-Jin whispered to me. I took a deep breath and looked at him with a forced smile while redirecting my hands to the glass next to it. He smirked before taking that glass and leaning back on his seat. 
He thinks he has won.
He is wrong. 
I let him win.

"This is the lease. You can read it and ask me if you have any questions about this. As discussed previously the rent will be 3.5 million won-"

"Make it 2.5 million won" 

I won't lie but everyone was taken aback by that sentence. 

"But sir that's-"

"Secretary Shin... I think it's me who owns this building... not you" He said in a stern voice

"Yes sir, I'm sorry" His secretary took the files and made some changes in the lease before giving it back to us. 

Hye-Jin and I looked at each other for a brief second before going through the lease. We signed the lease and returned it back to his secretary who took one final look before closing it and keeping it in his bag. 

"Well then... we'll take our leave now... sir" His secretary stood up and waited for him to get up and leave first so that he could follow him from behind.
I wonder how tough it is being his secretary. 
I'd have beaten the shit out of him if I had to stay with him alone for more than one minute 

He stood up and walked to the door.

"We'll take our leave then, Ms. Song and Ms. Yoo" His secretary bowed before he went to the door to open it. 

"I'll clear the table, you go close the door" I nodded at her statement and walked to the door. 

But he did not leave yet. He was still standing there... in front of me. 
He gave me that signature smirk of his before he leaned in closer and whispered in my ears,

"I'll come to visit you again... personally..." he said and took a moment to look at me before leaning back in to whisper again, "... Mi Querida (Spanish- my dear)"

He gave me that look again before taking a few steps back and walking away.

"Stronzo (Italian- Asshole)" I whispered 
I knew he heard me and even understood what I had said because I could see him smirk.
I am not fluent in Italian but I happened to learn a few words like Ciao, mi chiamo Yoo Ji-Eun (Hello, I am Yoo Ji-Eun), and Parli inglese (Do you speak English?) when I visited Italy a few years back. In Italy, I've never been required to use the word Stronzo on anyone but...
I guess now I do require it. 

I closed the door and the moment I turned around, I flinched a little when I saw Hye-Jin standing right in front of me with a grin plastered on her face. I knew what she was thinking.

"He is handsome," She said 

"Oh please! He is literally everything but handsome"

Jaehyun's POV:

"How is everything going at the company" That voice interrupted me. I put down the fork in my hand, wiped my mouth, and looked up facing the man that sat in front of me.
He was my father, but I wish he was not.

"I think you asked the wrong question Father... it should've been "How much profit did your company make this month" right?" I said

"Jaehyun! Don't talk to your father like that" The woman sitting next to him said 

"Stay out of our family matters," I said sternly only for my father to bang the table in anger

"Jaehyun! How many times do I have to remind you? She is your mother! Behave properly with her!"

"I think you missed the word "Step" in front of the word mother" 


I chuckled at his reaction and reached out to the wine glass in front of me and took a sip out of it.

"Let's be honest Father. All this care that you show for me, inviting me to dinner, showing up at my office... it's all so that I keep sending you money every month. You don't give a fuck about me, my company, or my brother"

"Your brother was a fool."

"Fool because he chose to do something he actually loved instead of just thinking about how to make more money so that his dad could later use it to bring home more women and bang them?" My sentence was followed by a splash of red wine on my face. I chuckled. 

"Get out. You can return when you learn how to respect your father" He said

"I stopped respecting you the day you brought home that woman when Mom was dying in the hospital," I said standing up and walking out. I could hear him yell as I walked away but I was too busy to pay attention to what he was yelling.


"Argh! This suit was from Prada's latest men's collection! That old man had to splash the wine here!" I groaned under my breath as I took off my coat. 

I let myself sink in my chair next to the window. Taking a sip of red wine, I looked outside the window. The streets were packed with people and the Namsan Tower looked beautiful, especially at night. 

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. "Come in," I said and the door creaked open revealing Secretary Shin.

"Sir, I have the information you asked me to collect"

"Leave it on the desk," I said and he did as he was told. Once he left the room, I sat up straight on the chair and dragged it to the desk. Picked up the file and started flipping through the pages while reading what was written on it. 

I smirked

"Mi Querida"

End of POV

LOVE, LIES & SOJU! [A JEONG JAEHYUN FF]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt