🎉Error's birthday🐇

Start from the beginning

Dust, Cross, and Nightmare sat down around the coffee table to discuss what they should get Error for his birthday. They already had a few ideas, but they needed to decide on one.

"What about Killer's idea? Error does seem pretty lonely when he has to stay in the ANTI-VOID alone for a while." Cross voiced his opinion while still taking a bite of his chocolate bar after every other sentence.

"I don't know, what if Killer's wrong about Error 'definitely liking it'" Dust said with a hint of concern to his tone.

"You know, I think this might actually be the best option, it could even help with Error's haphephobia..." Nightmare said to the two other gang members in the room.

"You sure Boss, Error does seem like the picky type.." Dust said, with a bit more concern than last time, running through his voice.

"I'm sure it'll be perfect Dust, no need to worry about Error not liking it, all we have to worry about is how cocky Killer is going to be when he finds out we chose his idea for Error's present.." Nightmare trailed off, slightly cringing at the idea of Killer's already overwhelming confidence being higher than average. Both Dust and Cross shared the cringing with Nightmare at that thought, before he spoke up again.

"Cross, you know Ccino the best, I'm sending you to get Error's present." Nightmare said, thankfully pulling both Cross, and Dust out of there thoughts of Killer's inflated ego.

"Alright boss" Cross stated in his royal guard voice, before summoning his large knife and making a portal to Fluffytale. Dust signed 'Goodbye' In ASL to Cross before Turning back to Nightmare to get his orders.

Nightmare sighed before speaking, "I would send you with Killer so you can keep him out of trouble, but I need you to go to Aftertale, and invite Geno, alright?"

Dust simply nodded, and walked through the portal Nightmare made for him. After all his boys went off to go prepare for Error's birthday, Nightmare went to go catch up on some paperwork while also tracking Error's aura so he can give a warning to Killer when Error is on his way back to the ANTI-VOID.

[With Killer]

Killer entered the ANTI-VOID, and had to immediately stop himself from snooping through Error's things. Nightmare made it pretty clear what would happen if he did that, and he didn't want to annoy Error too much on his birthday. Killer immediately started setting up some streamers, balloons, and a few other things for the party.

"Ugh I wished I got one of the other jobs, the ANTI-VOID is so boring..." Killer mumbled to himself before getting back to work.

[With Dust]

Dust walked into the black void known as the 'SAVE SCREEN' and walked up to the small grass patch and large lettering in the sky, looking for Geno. Once Dust got closer to the center of the 'SAVE SCREEN' he spotted the almost completely white skeleton save for his long red scarf and never healing gash. Dust slowly approached the skeleton, before coughing into his glove to get the others' attention. Geno swiftly turned around at the sound of coughing and looked surprised, confused, and nervous to see another skeleton there. Right, Geno had never met Dust before, only Nightmare, Reaper, and Error...

"I'm Dust, I'm a friend of Error, and Nightmare." Dust said in the most calming voice he could muster.

"Oh, why are you here?" Geno questioned, turning away from Dust to look at the large letters floating in the sky again.

"I came to invite you to a birthday party we are planning for Error." Dust stated, hoping to get a yes from the perma-injured skeleton.

"Oh really, I guess I could come." Geno said waiting for Dust to make a portal out of the 'SAVE SCREEN'

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