CHAPTER FOURTEEN, traveling the world

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(alaina's outfit for this chapter)

Alaina was so proud and happy for Lahela when she finally figured out her specialty

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Alaina was so proud and happy for Lahela when she finally figured out her specialty. She had come up with mobile medicine. She loved being out in the world, helping people. So the next few weeks the community had came together to help Lahela fix up a truck for her that was similar to her dad's shaved ice truck. Alaina and Nico were more than happy to help. As Alaina watched Lahela work on her mobile medicine truck, her heart was filled with love and pride for her best friend. She was so happy and proud that she had found her true calling. She couldn't wait to see what the future would hold for her and her mobile medicine truck. She and Kayden were now happily together and their love was stronger than ever.

 Lahela was still good friends with Walter, and the two were happy that their friendship had grown stronger as well. Lahela and Kayden had decided to do this journey together. Kayden would help her out in her mobile medicine truck, and they would travel the island, helping people. This is what they both dreamt of doing and being able to do it together made things even better. Their love was stronger than ever and their bond was unbreakable. The whole community had came together to support them, and Alaina couldn't have been happier for her best friend.

"This is so amazing!" Alaina beams at the finished protect of the truck. It looked fantastic. It was bright and colorful, it had waves on the sides along with beautiful flowers and a sunset. "I'm so proud of you, Lahela. This is truly amazing. You're gonna help so many people."

"Thank you, Alaina." Lahela grinned at her and pulled her in for a hug. She had already hugged her parents and her brothers and was moving on to her friends. She pulled Stephanie into the hug as well to make it a group hug, the three girls giggling as they hugged each other tightly. Everyone awed at them, finding the sight absolutely adorable.

"You're welcome. I'm glad I could help. And I'm so proud of you." Alaina replies. "Are you excited to go on the road?"

"Oh yeah, I am." Lahela nods enthusiastically as they pull apart. She glances over at Kayden, who had walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He shares a smile with her and kisses the top of her head. "We're both more than ready for it."

"Yeah, now that my leg is finally healed, we can go anywhere and everywhere." Kayden added, his eyes shining with excitement. He was glad his leg had healed nicely and he was able to be a part of this journey with Lahela.

"That's great! You guys are gonna do amazing things." Alaina gushes, beaming at her best friends. She was so excited for them and the adventures they were going to have. "You better keep us updated, though."

"Oh, we will. Don't worry." Lahela grins at her, winking. She knew how Alaina was. She'd probably bug her about it a lot, but she wouldn't mind. "So, when do you leave for the mainland?"

"In a couple weeks, I think." Alaina nods, her lips curving up into a bright smile. "I'm really excited. I can't wait to experience new things and see different places."

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