CHAPTER THREE, love me like you do

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(alaina's outfit for the first part of the chapter is shown above)

Alaina was walking down the steps in front of the hospital, walking besides her friends Lahela and Stephanie. Lahela had a break from her hospital shift so the three girls planned to hang out. Alaina will forever be impressed by the fact that Lahela is a sixteen year old prodigy. Lahela was updating Stephanie and Alaina on what happened with her boyfriend, Walter. Alaina knew that she had been having a rough patch with him and she hoped things would get better with them.

"And then I found out that Walter's surf friend Blake is an actual human woman that looks like t his." Lahela showed a picture to her friends of Blake.

Alaina and Stephanie stares at the picture with wide eyes. "Yep, you and Walter are done. Relationship over." Stephanie remarked.

"I wouldn't say that." Alaina said, sending Lahela a reassuring smile. "I'm sure they're just friends, right?"

"Yeah." Lahela nodded, but she looked nervous.

"Bye!" Stephanie quickly said and jogged ahead of the girls.

Lahela groans and catches up to her along with Alaina. "Steph, okay, no, this isn't one of those stupid '80s movies my mom's always trying to get me to watch, okay? Girl don't necessarily have to be in competition with each other."

"Unless that girl looks like Blake." Stephanie retorted and Lahela grimaced.

"I think you can still be friends with Blake." Alaina quickly chimes in, trying to cheer Lahela up. "I agree with you, girls don't have to be in competition with each other. If there isn't anything going on between Blake and Walter, then maybe you should try and befriend Blake. She's nice, right?"

"Yeah, super nice." Lahela admitted.

Suddenly a motorcycle engine revs nearby and the three girls were quick to step back when a motorcycle sped in front of them. Tires screech as the boy on the motorcycle came to a stop. Alaina chuckled and rolled her eyes when she realized who the boy was.

"Hey!" Stephanie shouts in a New Yorker voice. "I'm walkin' here!"

Alaina shares a confused look with Lahela before they both look at Stephanie. Stephanie smiles proudly. "My grandma Shirley's from Manhattan."

The girls glance back at Nico, Alaina's best friend, as he took his helmet off and ran a hand through his hair. Lahela scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Jerk."

When he noticed Alaina with the other two girls, he locked eyes with her and smiled, sending her a playful wink which made her giggle a bit and smiled back at him. Nico then put his helmet back on, the tires on his motorcycle screeching as he turned around and sped off.

"Okay, what was that?" Stephanie curiously asked.

Alaina glances at her with confusion. "What was what?"

"That eye contact and the wink?" Stephanie points out. "You guys acted like you know each other."

"Wait, don't tell me that's your best friend." Lahela groaned in annoyance.

Alaina sheepishly smiles. "Alright, then I won't say anything."

"Ooh, so he's your best friend, huh?" Stephanie grins. "Well, can I be the first to say that your best friend is hot?"

"Steph!" Alaina scolded.

"What? He is!" Stephanie said defensively. Alaina rolls her eyes and shakes her head at the blonde. "And anyway, Lahela, at least if you and Walter break up because of Blake, we can be single together."

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