CHAPTER TEN, a great day together

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Later that day, Alaina decided to take him to the animal shelter. Her parents would be relieved and happy to find out his cancer is gone and she figured bringing him in person would be a great way to tell them. Also, she figured Lucky would be happy to see Nico and spend some time with him.

Alaina and Nico walk in and her mom smiles at them. "Hey, guys! What's going on?" Then she looks worried as she realized something. "Wait, I thought Nico can't be out of the hospital for that long."

"What? That's amazing!" Amya gasps, her eyes lighting up and she smiles widely. She stands up and hugging him. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Mrs. C." Nico smiled and hugged her back.

"How many times do I gotta tell you to call me Amya." Amya teased as they pulled away.

"Force of habit, Mrs. C." Nico joked, earning a playful eye roll from her.

"Well, that's great news." Amaya agrees, smiling brightly. "We'll celebrate tonight with dinner. How does that sound?"

"Sounds perfect, mom." Alaina grinned, leaning over and kissing her mom's cheek.

"I see you brought Lucky with you." Brady chuckles as he walks from the back. Lucky barks in response, his tail wagging eagerly. "I can take him, if you guys need some time alone." He offered, smiling with amusement when Lucky ran over to him after Alaina let go of his leash. He bent down to pet Lucky.

"Yeah, thanks, that'd be great. But right now we were gonna hang out here for a bit." Alaina admitted, a small smile on her face.

"Ahh, okay," Brady grins, standing up with the leash in his hand. "Lucky and I will just be in the back." He led the puppy to the back and Amya followed him to the back.

Lailani, who was at the front desk, smiles brightly at the couple, glancing over at Nico. "Nico, congrats. I'm so glad that treatment worked."

"Thank you, Lailani." Nico replied, a soft smile on his face. He was still getting used to being cancer free and hearing people's genuine congratulations made him feel warm inside.

"We're gonna head to the back for a bit." Alaina explains, intertwining her hand with Nico's and her heart flutters when he squeezed her hand gently. "You wanna join us?"

"I'm actually a bit busy, but maybe next time." Lailani answered.

"Alright, no problem," Alaina replies, shooting her a friendly smile before turning her attention to Nico. "Ready, baby?"

"Let's go." He replied, smiling as they walked to the back.

As they walked to the back of the animal shelter, Alaina couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and contentment. She was grateful to have Nico by her side, and she was excited to spend some time with him. As they entered the back room, they were greeted by the sight of Lucky happily playing with Brady, Amya watching them with an amused smile on her face.

Nico chuckles at the sight, his eyes shining with amusement. "Looks like Lucky is having a blast."

"Yeah, he loves coming here." Alaina smiles, watching Lucky chase after a ball with enthusiasm. "He's like the mascot of the shelter now."

Brady grins as he tosses the ball for Lucky to fetch. "He's definitely a hit with the other volunteers and the animals."

"That's great to hear," Nico says, smiling as he watches Lucky bound around the room. "He's such a lovable pup."

Amya chuckles and nods. "He sure is. And it's nice to see him bringing joy to everyone here."

Alaina nods in agreement, feeling a swell of pride at Lucky's impact on the shelter. "Yeah, he's made such a difference already."

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