CHAPTER THIRTEEN, kayden's recovery update

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Alaina hadn't realized she had fallen asleep until she felt someone shake her awake. She didn't realize how tired she was from the night's events. She opened her eyes groggily, blinking a few times to adjust to the bright lights of the hospital waiting room. She then turned to her right where Nico was looking at her with concern.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I just heard from one of the nurses that Kayden is out of surgery and in recovery." He informs her. "His parents already left to go see him. The nurse said they were able to fix his leg, it was pretty badly injured, but they were able to stabilize him and he should make a full recovery with some physical therapy." Nico continued, a small smile tugging at his lips. Alaina felt a wave of relief wash over her at the news. She couldn't believe that Kayden was already out of surgery and on the road to recovery.

"That's great news." She said, returning his smile. She was so glad that Kayden was okay and that he would make a full recovery. "How's Lahela?" She asked softly.

"Still shaken up about it, rightfully so, but she's relieved and thankful that Kayden is going to be alright." Nico answered, his voice laced with empathy. He couldn't imagine how Lahela was feeling right now, and his heart ached for her.

"Yeah, I can't even imagine." Alaina sighs. "I'm gonna go check in on her. Thank you so much for being here, and for everything. I couldn't have done this without you." She leans over and hugged him, kissing his cheek when she pulled away. As she did this, she notices that Walter was gone. She furrows her eyebrows. "Did Walter leave?"

"Yeah, he and Lahela talked a bit and then he went home. Said he was tired." Nico shrugged. He didn't overhear what they were talking about since they talked outside, but he hoped things were okay with them. He could tell Alaina was curious and worried about it, too.

"I'm gonna go find her and make sure she's okay." Alaina decides as she stands up. "You can head home if you want, I'll be fine."

"No, I'll wait for you." Nico shook his head. He didn't want her to be here by herself. Plus, he wanted to make sure Kayden was okay, too.

Alaina nods and her heart flutters a bit at his gesture. She then leaves the waiting room and goes in search of Lahela. She eventually finds Lahela in a room where some patients were all kept, some being separated by a curtain. She was surprised to find Benny and Clara in one of the areas with Lahela. Clara was sitting on the bed and Benny was standing by her. She was confused when she saw he was wearing shorts and holding pants, but she didn't bother to question it. "Hi, so sorry to interrupt." She apologizes, clearing her throat. "But I wanted to check on you, Lahela."

"Oh, hey." Lahela replies, giving her a small smile. She was glad to see Alaina, especially since she was also one of the ones who found Kayden and helped save his life. "I'm okay, just...Still processing everything. And relieved and grateful that Kayden is gonna be okay."

"I'm so glad to hear that. How is he doing now?" Alaina asked softly, her voice filled with concern.

"He's sleeping, but he should be waking up soon." Lahela explains. "Thanks again, for everything. I don't know what I would've done if..." Her voice trailed off, a lump forming in her throat as tears filled her eyes. She couldn't bear the thought of losing Kayden.

Alaina frowns at seeing her friend so sad. She walks over and pulls her into a hug. "Hey, it's okay. Don't think about that, it's over now. Kayden is okay and he's gonna make a full recovery. You should be proud of yourself, you saved his life." She soothed her, rubbing her back to help calm her down.

"You and Nico did too. If you guys didn't find him...Who knows if we ever would find him or how much longer he would still be there." Lahela murmurs, her voice trembling slightly. The thought was too unbearable to think about. She was so grateful and thankful that they had found him and got him help as soon as possible. "Thank you, for everything."

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